
hiding是什么意思 hiding在线翻译 hiding什么意思 hiding的意思 hiding的翻译 hiding的解释 hiding的发音 hiding的同义词 hiding的反义词 hiding的例句

hiding [ˈhaɪdɪŋ] [ˈhaɪdɪŋ] 


hiding 基本解释

名词躲藏,隐匿; <口>殴打

hiding 相关词组

1. go into hiding : 躲藏起来;

hiding 网络解释

1. (隐藏):练习方法:首先向NPC学修补(tinkering)技能,越高越好;然后身上要有一件工具(tinker tools),然后找一处僻静的森林开始砍柴砍到你超重为止, 隐藏(hiding)直到成功,然后开始设你的macro程式: 在你砍下的柴(log)上使用工具(tinker tools),

2. hiding的解释

2. 隐身:但是武器的耐久度消耗值会比平常要快隐身(Hiding) 一定时间内隐身藏匿自己的身体并初始化威胁值慢性剧毒弹(Slow Poison) 一定时间内让敌人移动速度下降并追加每2秒承受物理伤害丧魂曲(Requiem) 向敌人诅咒死亡宣告,

3. 隐身术:SummonSkele 召唤骷髅 | Hiding 隐身术 | MassHiding 集体隐身术

4. 隐匿:hideout 隐匿处 | hiding 隐匿 | hidropoiesis 流汗

hiding 词典解释

1. 躲藏;藏匿
    If someone is in hiding, they have secretly gone somewhere where they cannot be seen or found.

    e.g. Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border...
    e.g. Hundreds of people are said to have gone into hiding to avoid arrest...

2. 痛打;狠揍
    If you give someone a hiding, you punish them by hitting them many times.

3. 白白浪费时间;白费工夫;毫无成功希望
    If you say that someone who is trying to achieve something is on a hiding to nothing, you are emphasizing that they have absolutely no chance of being successful.


    e.g. As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing.

hiding 单语例句


1. He has been making this known to Liu by hiding under the sofas, beds and tables and by eating very little.

2. But their failure to cook up a better story is not because they didn't try, but because they are by nature clumsy hiding the smoking gun.

3. One Discovery employee told an operator that she was hiding in the kitchen of the building's cafeteria with other employees.

4. Sometimes this could mean hiding actual figures even when the company is struggling and potentially lead to the downfall of the organization.

5. Officials announced finding no communications equipment, maps or other evidence of a guerrilla command center at Saddam's hiding place.

6. He tried to flee after onlookers intervened, but they gave chase and cornered him hiding under a lorry.

7. The fillets hiding under the " spectacular " red chili tasted quite good, fresh and also spicy enough to make my tongue numb for a few seconds.

8. Many of my generation remember growing up at the height of the Cold War, hiding under desks during civil defense drills in case the communists attacked us.

9. China hopes the international community can realize what the Dalai clique is up to, and that it is hiding its separatist activities under the cloak of religion.

10. Many children present a virtuous image of their mothers in their compositions, which shows they are hiding their emotions behind the clumsy application of social norms.

hiding 英英释义



1. the activity of keeping something secret

    Synonym: concealmentconcealing

2. the state of being hidden

    e.g. he went into hiding

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