
high energy是什么意思 high energy在线翻译 high energy什么意思 high energy的意思 high energy的翻译 high energy的解释 high energy的发音

high energy [hai ˈenədʒi]  [haɪ ˈɛnədʒi] 

high energy 基本解释


high energy 网络解释

1. 高能量:以往我们还有这台仪器时,是先做完甲状腺碘摄取值后再做一个甲状腺扫描,扫描的范围包含整个颈部,影像是马马虎虎啦,如果说一定要用闪烁摄影机来做的话,如果只有使用(B)高能量(high energy)准直仪的话,因为最多只能做到数位式的放大,

2. high energy在线翻译

2. 精力充沛:在美国公司里,但凡是个人物,不分男女都得是精力充沛(high energy)的铁人形象. 3、XX大区销售助理:类似区域销售团队管家婆,负责区域销售数据的管理,协助大区经历监控费用,协调销售团队日常行政事物(如,会议安排等)--工作内容琐碎但没有高附加值(value-added)的部分,

3. 高能:high density verticsl stock chest 立式高浓贮浆池 | high energy 高能 | high forest 乔林,用材林

4. high energy

4. 高能的:high efficiency particulate air filter 高效微粒空气过滤器 | high energy 高能的 | high energy accelerator 高能加速器

5. high-energy:he; 高能

high energy 单语例句

1. High investment returns from purchasing stakes in commercial banks has prompted energy companies to embark on a buying spree.

2. High protein and carbohydrate foods are recommended, and replenish lost fluids with plenty of water and energy drinks.

3. The manufacture of the new product does not require high temperature carbonization, so its manufacture is also energy efficient.

4. The ceramic industry has been notorious for high pollution and energy consumption, but that reputation is changing in inland China.

5. Hebei's economy relies mainly on chemical industries with high energy consumption and high emissions, and the proportion of tertiary industry in the provincial economy is relatively small.

6. The warning against excessive growth of industries with high energy consumption and pollution is clearly a clarion call to inspire a sense of urgency.

7. Although Bernanke said he hopes inflation will moderate in coming quarters, he acknowledged that high energy prices have clouded the inflation outlook.

8. This move aims to ease a tight coke supply in domestic markets and to contain export of products with high pollution and energy cost.

9. Leave it to high school students to come up with something new to save a little time and energy.

10. Plans call for residential buildings and commercial spaces meeting high international standards for energy use and environmental protection.

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