
highborn是什么意思 highborn在线翻译 highborn什么意思 highborn的意思 highborn的翻译 highborn的解释 highborn的发音 highborn的同义词

highborn ['haɪbɔ:n]  ['haɪˌbɔ:n] 

highborn 基本解释


highborn 网络解释

1. 出身名门的:highbinder 恶棍 | highborn 出身名门的 | highboy 高橱

2. 出身高贵的:highbinderpolitico 政客 | highborn 出身高贵的 | highboy 有脚的高橱

3. 出身名门的 (形):highbinder 流氓, 歹徒; 骗子 (名) | highborn 出身名门的 (形) | highbred 纯种的, 纯血统的; 出身高贵的 (形)

highborn 双语例句

1. Taking the air at her countryside villa, a highborn lady spreads her sumptuous golden gown about her while surveying the weathered urns, sculpted topiaries and rambling English roses of her meticulously tended garden.

2. highborn的近义词

2. There is no shame in not knowing highborn things.

3. The Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, the Games Workshop logo, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Arahan, Athel Loren, Beastmen, Bladesinger, Bretonnia, Branch Nymph, Branch wraith, Chaos, Cyanathair the Corruptor, Dryad, Drycha, Eternal Guard, Forest Dragon, Glade Guard, Glade Rider, Great Stag, Guardian, Highborn, Horsemaster, Kislev, Kurnous, Lord's Bowman, Malekith, Morgbur, the Master of Skulls, Naestra, Naggaroth, Noble, Orion, King in the Woods, Phoenix King Bel Shanaar, Shadow Sentinel, Sisters of Twilight, Spellsinger, Spellweaver, Tree Kin, Tree Kin Elder, Treeman, Treeman Ancient, Ulthuan, Wardancer, Warhawk, Warhawk Rider, Waywatcher, Wild Hunter, Wild Riders of Kurnous and all associated marks, names, characters, illustrations and Images from the Warhammer world are either? , TM and/or? Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2005, where applicable registered in the UK and oilier countries around the world, All Rights Reserved. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.
    奇美拉,游戏兵工厂logo,Games Workshop,战锤,阿拉汗,艾瑟洛伦,兽人,剑吟者,巴托尼亚,林间仙女,树妖,混沌时代,Cyanathair the Corruptor,森林女神,树精,永恒卫队,森林龙,森林卫兵,森林骑兵,巨鹿,守护者,名门,驯马人,基辅,库尔纳斯,领主的射手兵,巫妖王梅肯丝,Morgbur,骷髅主,纳丝塔,纳戈路丝,贵族,森林之王奥利安,凤凰王贝尔姗娜,暗影哨兵,胞生姐妹,神圣诗人,魔法织造者,树怪,树怪长者,树人,远古树人,Ulthuan,战争舞女,战鹰,战鹰骑士,岗哨,野战猎人,库尔纳斯的山野骑兵,及所有相关的来自战锤世界的标志、名字、特征、插图说明和图片,均归属游戏兵工厂公司,版权所有。

4. danci.911cha.com

4. He spoke to the maid as if he were speaking to the most highborn of nobles.

5. The highborn Hotspur, with such an opinion of Clavering, could yet from professional reasons be civil to him

6. The nice and highborn women who are not very beautiful would think we are after their power.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. All highborn characters should take at least 1 Level of Noble as their first Class.

8. highborn

8. Of course, a highborn character who does not know who his or her parents are shouldn't take the Noble Class.

9. So that her highborn kinsmen came and bore her away from me

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Any character from a highborn upbringing should have at least one Level of Noble.

11. When a leaf becomes a lady or thought to be a highborn lady, is there more bestowal?

12. I'm serious, johnny. she's a highborn lady of quality.

13. highborn的意思

13. Such a heritage created generation emperor emperor, he highborn how?

14. Entering with Sancho, Quixotecatches sight of Aldonza and believes her to be the most lovely and highborn lady, Dulcinea, to whom he swears eternal loyalty.

15. R Highborn International Company is one of the leading manufacturers in China of Quartz Tube for Lighting and heater purpose.

highborn 词典解释

1. 出身高贵的;出身名门的
    If someone is highborn, their parents are members of the nobility.

highborn 英英释义


1. belonging to the peerage

    e.g. the princess and her coroneted companions
           the titled classes

    Synonym: coronetedtitled

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