
ice rinks是什么意思 ice rinks在线翻译 ice rinks什么意思 ice rinks的意思 ice rinks的翻译 ice rinks的解释 ice rinks的发音 ice rinks的同义词

ice rinks

ice rinks 双语例句

1. In the future the international standard skating rinks in the center can be used for ice sport competitions in China.

2. It is about 400m long, 100 in height, with an area of over 30000 square meters. Skiing lanes, skating rinks and large-scale snow-playing area are provided in the center, divided into 6 functioning area. It is a happy land for ice sport fans all the year round.

3. ice rinks

3. To name a few projects among others, we have successfully completed Qiaobo Ice and Snow World project, the first indoor ski dome in Beijing; Snow Castle in Bussan Korea using our Eco-Snow technology; National speed oval and ice rinks training center in Changchun used for the 2007 Winter Asian Games; Mega Box ice rink in Hong Kong with the first full-size rink in Hong Kong; the multi purpose Taipei Arena; Tianjin Hyatt; China World Hotel in Beijing, and on-going project Shanghai 2010 Expo Center Arena Ice Rink, etc.
    以下我们将简单提及几个项目:我们已成功地完成了北京第一个室内滑雪场——乔波冰雪世界项目;使用生态雪技术完成了韩国的雪城堡;位于长春的2007年冬亚会国家速滑训练中心;香港第一个完整大小的溜冰场——Mega Box溜冰场;台北多功能溜冰场;天津凯悦;北京的中国国际大饭店,和正在筹建中的2010年上海世博演艺中心冰场等项目。

4. Frozen ponds and ice rinks become playgrounds for skating and hockey.

5. A combined ice, snow skis belongs to the ice and snow sports equipment, in particular to the technical field of the design and manufacture of skating rinks or snowfield skis.

6. When 25-year-old Ms Wang, who goes by the name of Betty abroad, started playing the sport eight years ago, there were no dedicated facilities and they had to use ice hockey rinks, sometimes waiting until well after midnight to get on the ice.

7. ice rinks

7. Analysis of Underground Temperature Field of Ice Rinks Using Finite Element Method

8. Nestled in a newly built neighborhood on the northwest side of Beijing, high up on the fourth floor of a massive shopping complex, is one of this city's newest ice rinks.

9. ice rinks

9. In the designing and building of ice rinks, the heat loads imposed on ice sheets must be calculated exactly.

10. ice rinks的反义词

10. Every winter outdoor ice skating rinks appear all over Beijing.

ice rinks 单语例句

1. The ice rinks opened on January 1 and will officially close on February 4, when the Chinese lunar calendar indicates the coming of spring.

2. Houhai offers an unorthodox answer to the outdoor ice skating rinks often set up in large cities.

3. Taoranting Park and Zhongshan Park announced this year that they would not open their ice rinks this year due to warmer than usual weather.

4. The Asian Games will feature the best athletes from 32 countries competing on new ice rinks and ski runs and stadiums.

5. I learned today that there are 20 indoor ice rinks in China, which is not many.

6. The park has contracted out the ice rinks to individual operators, she said.

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