
implementing是什么意思 implementing在线翻译 implementing什么意思 implementing的意思 implementing的翻译 implementing的解释 implementing的发音



implementing 基本解释

执行;贯彻;实现( implement的现在分词 );使生效;

implementing 网络解释

1. 实施:它把系统生命周期分为六个阶段:项目定义(Project Definition)、系统分析(Systems analysis)、系统设计(Design)、编程(Programming)、实施(Implementing)和后续维护(Post Implementation),对每一个阶段的任务、承担人员、职责、各阶段成果及其相互关系进行了严格的定义,

2. 實行:第四章介绍中级主管的四种策略性角色-倡议(Championing),综合处理(Synthesizing),促成(Facilitating)与实行(Implementing). 前两者属於向上的影响,后两者属於向下的影响. 每一种角色对中级主管来说都是独一无二的,并且对企业的持续效率十分重要.

3. 执行:那么,行销管理主要目的,不便能使顾客获得满足需要的产品,而且能让企业更有效运用企划(planning)、执行(implementing)和控制(controling)的管理功能,在交换过程中达成企业组织的目标.

implementing 单语例句


1. The Introduction of the Action Plan illustrates China's view of human rights by specifying three basic principles for formulating and implementing the Action Plan.

2. The teams are responsible for implementing a Green Action Plan of Best Practices for 2009 along with setting targets for better environmental performance.

3. The cabinet urged government departments to earmark more funds and enhance management and cooperation in implementing these measures.

4. Hu hailed the campaign implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development as " effective " while delivering the keynote speech at a conference that marked the campaign's conclusion.

5. Lian said the government has been implementing policies aimed at helping Tibetan people have a good life.

6. Instead of passively implementing the regulator's policies to help SMEs obtain loans, the banks are actively seeking clients that have small operations but promising business models.

7. They are also committed to implementing existing agreements, including the clarification of the line of actual control.

8. Implementing China's National Plan for Coping with Climate Change by slowing down greenhouse gas emission.

9. The country has also tried to take advantage of climate change by implementing a northward shift of agricultural zones.

10. Jia said charity organizations should further improve their administration and promote public credibility, by fully implementing tax break policies for donors.

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