
in words是什么意思 in words在线翻译 in words什么意思 in words的意思 in words的翻译 in words的解释 in words的发音 in words的同义词

in words

in words 基本解释


in words 情景对话

Easy and Difficult-(易学的和难学的语言)

A:People always say that Chinese and English are very hard to learn. Sometimes I wish I were learning French or Japanese. Maybe they'd be easier.
      人们常说汉语和英语是很难学的。有的时候我想要是我学法语或日语就好了。 也许这两种语言容易些。

B:Maybe, but maybe not too. It all depends on what language you already speak.

A:Why should that be? What diffrence does it make?

B:Well, languages are more or less equally difficult.Most of the things one language says must be said by every language in some way.


A:You mean I could learn Chinese easily?

in words

B:No, because your native language is Spanish. But Italian might be easy. It has a lot of words that are similar to words in Spanish. Even the sound systems are more similar than that of Chinese is to Spanish. How difficult a language is to learn depends mostly on how much it resembles your own language.

American English Rhythm-(美国英语的节拍)

in words

A:Hello, Harry. Where are you off to?

in words的解释

B:I'm going home to study my English lesson.

A:English lesson?

in words在线翻译

B:Yes. I'm trying to learn a little more.I don't always understand what people say, and they don't always understand me.

A:What're you learning about?

B:Well. For instance, some words in a sentence are stressed.The time between two of these stressed words is always about the same. No matter how many words there are.This is what makes English sound jerky. First you go very fast, and then perhaps you slow up.

A:Hmmmm. I never noticed that. Give me an example.

B:Sure, Here's a sentence we memorized for class. "You told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time."It takes just as long to say"not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time"as it does to say"you told me last night"
      可以。这儿有一句我们在上课时应记住的话:"You told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time。"在说"not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time"这段话的时间就和说"you told me last night"这句话一样长。

in words 网络解释

1. 在言语上:21.be customary of... 是......的习惯 | 22.in words 在言语上 | 23.too...to... 太......以至于不能......

2. 口头上:if引导的从句是前后可以颠倒的 | in words 口头上 | greedy贪婪的

3. 小姐 能否请您总结一下这壮举:exhausted but happy.|尽管精疲力尽 但兴奋异常 | Miss Abbott, how would you sum up, in words, this achievement?|Abbott小姐 能否请您总结一下这壮举? | I suppose...|我觉得...

in words 单语例句

1. Rarely in recent history have the words of one general loomed so large in determining the direction of a war.

2. Children are not born snobs and their words and deeds are unconsciously influenced by adults, says an article in Xinhua Daily Telegraph.

3. Even though they were sung in German, the words reminded me how much I missed Christmas in the cacophony of Beijing.

4. In times of calamity, the country has long turned to its presidents for the right words of assurance.

5. Actions will speak louder than words in all these areas, however.

6. There's nothing like holding a letter in your hands and reading the words of someone you care about or love.

7. The US should be careful with its words and deeds because its words and action carry special weight in this world.

8. His words to Chavez were spoken slowly - and he appeared to catch on a few words - but he was in good spirits.

9. Developments in Japan also have drawn cautionary words from South Korea's foreign minister.

10. The mobile censor system in China operates on picking out sensitive words that might indicate to the computer that the message is a dirty joke.

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