
incineration是什么意思 incineration在线翻译 incineration什么意思 incineration的意思 incineration的翻译 incineration的解释 incineration的发音

incineration [ɪnˌsɪnə'reɪʃn]  [ɪnˌsɪnə'reɪʃn] 

incineration 基本解释



incineration 网络解释

1. 焚烧:卫生填埋则采取防渗、压实、覆盖和气体、渗沥水治理等环境保护措施的固体废物填埋方法,对废弃物在高温下燃烧的处理方法-焚烧(Incineration)在国内也已经起步,如何尽量减少焚烧所产生的二次污染仍然是我们面临的一个重要课题.

2. 灰化:适合于易形成难离解氧化物(refractory oxide)元素的测定. 石墨炉的基本结构包括:石墨管(杯)(graphite tube)、炉体(保护气系统)、电源等三部分组成. 工作是经历干燥(dryness)、灰化(incineration)、原子化和净化(depuration)等四个阶段,即完成一次分析过程.

3. 焚化法:处理固体废物的三个主要方法就是掩埋法(Landfilling)、焚化法(Incineration)及堆肥法(Composting)──各方法都具有很大的缺点. 另外一种方法就是将处理的垃圾及家庭下水两个过程联合使用. 最普遍的联合法就是将磨碎后之厨房残余物(以下简称厨余)排入下水道中来处理.

incineration 单语例句

1. Attention will be given to the promotion of electricity generation by means of waste incineration and landfill gas in urban areas.

2. Hao capital invested 100 million yuan in waste incineration in 2007, but didn't make any green technology deals in 2008.

3. The incineration exhaust heat is discharged after treatment through the existing cogeneration, or combined heat and power system and electrostatic dust collection system in the rotary kiln.

4. The Ministry of Environmental Protection can play a vital role here by commissioning the production of incineration equipment by using the new and friendlier technology.

5. And although disposing of garbage in landfills is half the cost of incineration and compost, it causes contamination of soil and water.

6. Landfill, incineration and compost are the three major household waste disposal methods.

7. Zhang said China dealt with 155 million tons of waste last year, 80 percent of which was buried and 15 percent was treated at waste incineration plants.

8. Measures to be taken include building more environmentally friendly disposal facilities, improving garbage incineration technologies and enforcing household waste separation and recycling.

9. " The big elephant in the room is incineration, " Rosenthal said.

10. The plant will have a waste classification unit that separates garbage for incineration from other waste to minimize air pollution.

incineration 英英释义


1. the act of burning something completely
    reducing it to ashes

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