
indecision是什么意思 indecision在线翻译 indecision什么意思 indecision的意思 indecision的翻译 indecision的解释 indecision的发音 indecision的同义词

indecision [ˌɪndɪˈsɪʒn]  [ˌɪndɪˈsɪʒən] 

indecision 基本解释

名词优柔寡断; 犹豫不决

indecision 同义词

indecision 反义词


indecision 网络解释

1. 优柔寡断:在经过25年的亲身观察之后,我得出了一个结论:这些优柔寡断(indecision)的案例都有一个共同点--本应产生结果的人际互动并没有产生结果. 那些负责做出决策和执行决策的人,没能互相沟通和交流. 由于畏惧组织层级内的群体力量,

2. 犹豫:indecipherable 难辨认的 | indecision 犹豫 | indecorum 失礼的言行

3. 犹豫不决;无决断力:受惠;负债 indebtedness | 犹豫不决;无决断力 indecision | 弧间海槽 indeep

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 犹豫不决/优柔寡断 欧薄荷、广藿香:Impatience不耐烦/急躁甘菊、樟脑、柏树 | Indecision犹豫不决/优柔寡断欧薄荷、广藿香 | Irritability易怒薰衣草、马乔莲、乳香

indecision 双语例句

1. I was standing in front of the mirror, stricken with indecision.

2. The study of the construct of career indecision is one of the important aspects in current career decision research.

3. Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise.

4. Indecision may or may not be my problem.

5. His indecision caused him to lose the chance of a new job.

6. In fact, this is investigates by the national territory resources indecision.

7. When examined between cultures, there are significant differences on gender role traditionality, career decision-making self-efficacy, and career indecision.

8. It`s our longer waiting periods filled with uncertainty and indecision that may leave us anxious and frustrated.

9. For most people, the problem is limited space, lack of time, disorganization or indecision.

10. They were given to daydream-ing, indecision, hebetude, and they showed no promise of being a doctor, lawyer or teacher.

11. They were given to daydreaming, indecision, hebetude, and they showed no promise of being a doctor, lawyer or Indian chief.

12. They were given to daydreaming, indecision, hebetude, and they showed no promise of being doctors, lawyers or Indian chiefs.

13. The times you are living through do not permit of weakness or indecision.

14. Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise. It will steal your chances for a better future.

15. indecision的反义词

15. This was the last drachm required to turn the scale of her indecision.

16. indecision

16. In this way the day looked at indulging in grief in indecision.

17. Jieshibi world, I feel the phrase should be quiet, law-Music to the ears, consumers do Mortal annoyed; Jieshibi world, I feel the phrase should be static... the vast world objects, ping, indecision hesitate, when I look back, sunset red sunset, I Mountaintop temple, towering independence distant, Huoran open mind, I Buddhist world heart, rainbow sunset, I shut Buddhist thought, I Two Xiang Wang.

18. indecision

18. I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.

19. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

19. I urge you to practice moving in the direction of knowing, when you feel stuck in a state of indecision.

20. indecision在线翻译

20. Accident may put a decisive blunderer in the right, but eternal defeat and miscarriage must attend the man of the best parts, if cursed with indecision.

indecision 词典解释

1. 优柔寡断;无决断力;迟疑不决
    If you say that someone suffers from indecision, you mean that they find it very difficult to make decisions.

    e.g. After months of indecision, the government gave the plan the go-ahead on Monday...
    e.g. The team has been plagued by indecision and internal divisions.

indecision 单语例句

1. But the company's going public plan has been delayed because of indecision about reform.

2. Nearly a quarter have even been late due to indecision and one in five have returned home to change after leaving the house.

3. The numerous corrections in the draft are said to show Napoleon's indecision in drawing up his last wishes.

4. Indecision is the price you'll pay today for having strong feelings.

5. His powers have been cut since by constitutional change and his popularity has sunk after liberals accused him of indecision.

6. This is a pattern that shows market indecision and it also reflected market consolidation prior to the development of a new trend.

7. This is a pattern of indecision created by two equally valid trend lines moving in opposite directions.

8. " He then invoked a soldier's comment to him that indecision kills, " Kerry said.

9. Unlike now, in 2005 Europe was not convulsed with monetary and economic indecision.

10. You could be filled with indecision and doubt at work, so double check your work to make sure that it's done properly.

indecision 英英释义



1. the trait of irresolution
    a lack of firmness of character or purpose

    e.g. the king's incurable indecisiveness caused turmoil in his court

    Synonym: indecisiveness

2. doubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or courses of action

    e.g. his indecision was only momentary but the opportunity was lost

    Synonym: indecisivenessirresolution

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