
industrial tractor是什么意思 industrial tractor在线翻译 industrial tractor什么意思 industrial tractor的意思 industrial tractor的翻译

industrial tractor [inˈdʌstriəl ˈtræktə]  [ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈtræktɚ] 

industrial tractor 基本解释


industrial tractor 网络解释

1. 工业拖拉机:industrial textile 工业用纺织品 | industrial tractor 工业拖拉机 | industrial turbine 工业汽轮机

2. 工业用牵引车:工业用电视 industrial television | 工业用牵引车 industrial tractor | 工会 industrial union

3. 工矿牵引车,工业拖拉机,工业用拖拉机:industrial town ==> 工业城镇 | industrial tractor ==> 工矿牵引车,工业拖拉机,工业用拖拉机 | industrial training centre ==> 工业训练中心

industrial tractor 双语例句

1. industrial tractor的反义词

1. The eastern tractor and locomotive is exactly a typical representative of this particular period of industrial development.

2. Its main products are Tapered roller bearing, Thrust ball bearing, Deep groove ball bearing, Variation core ball bearing, UCP series bearing, the outer spherical ball bearing with housing, which are widely used in many industrial sectors, such as automobile, tractor, tool machine, electric machine, mine, metallurgy, engineering machinery, and locomotive and wagon.

3. Our company will supply series of high speed cooling mixer, threejaw tractor, 110-630 planetary type cutter, crusher, pulverizer, reclaim comminutor, vibratory sift, fiber aggregation machine, industrial cooling water machine, auto feed machine for granule and powder, hopper type drier, pigmentation mixer, rolling machine, full automation line, corrugated pipe production line.

4. Traction Belt - Industrial Belts Co., Ltd Zhongshan City up - tractor belts, industrial belts, conveyor...

5. Traction Belt - Industrial Belts Co., Ltd Zhongshan City over - tractor belts, industrial belts, conveyor...

6. LYT-3026 truck tyre changer, designed for the operation for the large tyres, avoid the damage on the edge of the tyre and the rim, suitable for the tyres with rings, meridian tubeless tyres, groove tyres, agriculture tractor tyres and industrial forklift tyres, it is the necessary device for the large tyre repair shop.

7. industrial tractor

7. China is a large agricultural country. The development of agricultural machinery is particularly important. An tractor is an important agricultural machinery. The development of tractor industrial should be paid enough attention to.

8. The Company in 1984, is located in Huaxia civilization and the ancient capital of Luoyang City, Vulcan Au Yanshi industrial zone, the Provisional National Road 207, GU Long Road interchange, covers an area of more than 10, 000 square meters, fixed assets over 300 million, liquidity more than 1000 million, with the deployment of advanced technologies complete set of oil testing equipment, the main production license Wen-Chang Fang, relying on the licensing of high-grade lubricants, and products are mainly supply the province's CITIC Heavy Machinery Company, China First Tractor Group Co., Ltd., Luoyang Bearing Group Co., Ltd., Luoyang Copper Processing Group, xinxiang drag one limited liability company, Gold Crown Group Code Xichuan Automobile Shock Absorber Factory, Zhengzhou Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd. and Pingdingshan Flying Chemical Co., Ltd., etc. and medium-sized enterprises, it was agreed by the users praise.

9. Cable-driven ingot buggy driverless industrial tractor

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. Stabilizer link shaft driverless industrial tractor

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