
inequality是什么意思 inequality在线翻译 inequality什么意思 inequality的意思 inequality的翻译 inequality的解释 inequality的发音 inequality的同义词

inequality [ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti]  [ˌɪnɪˈkwɑ:ləti] 


inequality 基本解释

名词不平等,不均等; [数]不等式; 变动,变化; 不相同

inequality 同义词


inequality 反义词



inequality 相关例句


1. inequality

1. There are many inequalities in the law.

2. inequality的近义词

2. There are many inequalities in the surface of this old road.

inequality 网络解释

1. inequality

1. 不等式:第九章 不等式与不等式组 9.1 不等式 用小于号或大于号表示大小关系的式子,叫做不等式(inequality). 使不等式成立的未知数的值叫做不等式的解. 能使不等式成立的 x 的取值范围,叫做不等式的解的集合,简称解集 (solution set).

2. inequality是什么意思

2. 不平等:包括地区性的生产模式如何与世界经济接融(articulation)/地区性的消费主义型态/ 世界性的宗教还有地区性的宗教复振运动(religious revitalization)/ 工业化及都会次文化/ 族群认同/ 国际旅游及劳工移动/ 健康和人口的议题发展/ 及地区性贫穷/ 国际及地区性的环保议题. 主要议题集中在离散族群(diaspora)、地方性(locality)、

3. 等式:不等式常见不等式 不等式(inequality) 用不等号将两个解析式连结起来所成的式子. 例如2x+2y≥2xy,sinx≤1,ex>0 ,2x<3等 . 根据解析式的分类也可对不等式分类,不等号两边的解析式都是代数式的不等式,称为代数不等式;只要有一边是超越式,

inequality 词典解释

1. (社会地位、财富、机会等)不平等,不均等
    Inequality is the difference in social status, wealth, or opportunity between people or groups.

    e.g. People are concerned about social inequality...
    e.g. Blacks have been hurt by racial inequalities in housing and education.

inequality 单语例句

1. This can help promote financial stability while reducing the worrying trend of rising inequality.

2. Acutely aware of the social inequality, the CY Leung administration has rightly revived the Commission on Poverty.

3. The Gini coefficient ranges from 0 to 1 and the higher the index of a society the greater its inequality.

4. Asia needs to adjust to a new era of more moderate growth, while addressing widespread inequality and improving sustainability.

5. When defeated, they're always the first to complain about inequality before undergoing reform.

6. A Confucianism relevant for contemporary life must reject the gender inequality of the past and accept the possibility and morality of divorce.

7. Yang is unlike many Chinese youths who often tend to become cynical, feisty and helpless because of social inequality and the income gap.

8. The returns to education have increased substantially in China over time, making education an increasingly important determinant of inequality and poverty.

9. According to a report by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the inequality of wealth distribution has worsened in the past decade.

10. Inequality of opportunities not only blocks the fair distribution of income but affects economic efficiency, as demonstrated by the country's inefficient monopolized sectors.


inequality 英英释义


1. lack of equality

    e.g. the growing inequality between rich and poor

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