
infatuates是什么意思 infatuates在线翻译 infatuates什么意思 infatuates的意思 infatuates的翻译 infatuates的解释 infatuates的发音 infatuates的同义词



infatuates 基本解释



infatuates 双语例句

1. infatuates的翻译

1. Every beauty in this world now infatuates me and I have been a person who has started loving nature even more than ever.

2. infatuates

2. Discover the other people devotes one`s mind but infatuates with

3. infatuates的翻译

3. Our romance suffused with purple; it comes out delicate flowers just like your smiles infatuates me

4. The flower is beautiful, the leaf is humble, own dream in HUA YOU3, endless of near sunlight, enjoy that happiness and happiness, under the body that spend, the leaf keep silent of growth, looking at a flower of figure, it infatuates with silently, the heart of the love increase with each passing day, having no the heart of speech expression, can be a voice sighs lightly, finally and one day, the leaf understands the vicissitudes of life of the current affairs, no longer on guard this love, it starts a silent wish, hope to spend can living better, time has no an interest to slip away silently

5. infatuates

5. Right away, the present age writer Su Tong shows favouring to the color and infatuates in whose creation, he has already formed self unique characteristic to the color applying, has displayed color various type and multiple connotation, colour per kind every Ren Qi duty, suits one down to the ground.

6. infatuates

6. We have to study continuously, so then can enter with the hour 2 The Italian football team emphasizes team spirit very much, this is the key that they win world cup 3 She doesn't make a sound to run away, making his parents'confused and worried 4 That automobile of the little boy brigade exposition infatuates very much 5 Make Liu feel excited BE, he created in the mulberry of Switzerland 12 second 88 of man the world record of 110 meters column 6 I saw time of right bower the last time, he a person walked on the street 7 Almost each person plead guilty is impossibly exterminated thoroughly 8 If the public lost to the trust of this company, so their sale meeting will descend of very quick 9 The speed that gives my impression is most deep to suspend railroad train is how quick 10 My father would not like to substitute him that to wear away an unbearable old cellular phone with the new hand machine
    我们必须不断学习,这样才能与时共进 2 意大利足球队非常强调团队精神,这是他们赢得世界杯的关键 3 她不声不响离家出走,使他的父母心烦意乱 4 小男孩队展览会上的那辆汽车很着迷 5 使刘翔感到兴奋的是,他在瑞士洛桑创造了12秒88的男子110米栏的世界记录 6 我最后一次见到杰克的时候,他一个人在街上走 7 几乎每一个人都承认犯罪不可能被彻底消灭 8 如果公众失去了对这家公司的信任,那么他们的销售会会下降的很快 9 给我的印象最深的是磁悬浮列车的速度是多么快啊 10 我爸爸不愿意用新手机来替换他那只磨损不堪的老手机

7. In the hall hangs an antithetical couplet, reading Small, the inn enjoys big fame; old, the wine infatuates the world.

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