
inheritance是什么意思 inheritance在线翻译 inheritance什么意思 inheritance的意思 inheritance的翻译 inheritance的解释 inheritance的发音

inheritance [ɪnˈherɪtəns]  [ɪnˈhɛrɪtəns] 


inheritance 基本解释

名词继承; 遗传; 遗产

inheritance 相关例句


1. That law on the right of inheritance has fallen into disuse.

2. inheritance

2. Good health is a fine inheritance.

3. He received a large inheritance.

inheritance 网络解释

1. inheritance的翻译

1. 遗传:<<伊拉贡>>是<<遗传>>(Inheritance)三部曲中的第一部,情节引人入胜,不仅融入了诸如飞龙、战马、精灵、矮子等奇幻元素,还有大量中世纪地名和凯尔特古老语言.

inheritance 词典解释

1. 遗产;继承物
    An inheritance is money or property which you receive from someone who has died.

    e.g. She feared losing her inheritance to her stepmother.

2. 转接物;沿袭物
    If you get something such as job, problem, or attitude from someone who used to have it, you can refer to this as an inheritance .

    e.g. ...the situation that was Truman's inheritance as President.

3. 得自遗传的特征
    Your inheritance is the particular characteristics or qualities which your family or ancestors had and which you are born with.


    e.g. Eye colour shows your genetic inheritance.

inheritance 单语例句

1. Huang also agreed that the current economic situation makes inheritance taxation a possible option.

2. The diocese lost its first legal battle over the inheritance in 2005.

3. As a type of tax to adjust the distribution of wealth among social members, inheritance tax has played a positive role in many countries.

4. An endowment insurance trust can help policies'beneficiaries avoid paying inheritance taxes.

5. The tension between his northern inheritance and growing up surrounded by southern sensibilities is an enduring theme in his writing.

6. Experts say that in foreign countries where inheritance tax is high, many rich people set up foundations only to evade tax.

7. Although China does not implement the inheritance tax at present, people fear that such tax might be levied at any time in future.

8. Clinton also said the inheritance tax should be kept in place, a view shared by Buffett before the Senate Finance Committee last month.

9. Property tax, gift tax and inheritance tax can play a role in this respect.

10. This will ensure the legal protection of the relatives in cases involving the right of inheritance.

inheritance 英英释义


1. hereditary succession to a title or an office or property

    Synonym: heritage

2. any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors

    e.g. my only inheritance was my mother's blessing
           the world's heritage of knowledge

    Synonym: heritage

3. (genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents

    Synonym: hereditary pattern

4. that which is inherited
    a title or property or estate that passes by law to the heir on the death of the owner

    Synonym: heritage

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