
insurgency是什么意思 insurgency在线翻译 insurgency什么意思 insurgency的意思 insurgency的翻译 insurgency的解释 insurgency的发音 insurgency的同义词

insurgency [ɪnˈsɜ:dʒənsi]  [ɪnˈsɜ:rdʒənsi] 


insurgency 基本解释

名词暴动; 起义; 叛变


insurgency 网络解释

1. 叛乱:昨天一上,看见个新出的HL2的牛MOD------ 叛乱(Insurgency)!看了看那的介绍,就下载了下来玩了玩. (我算知道的晚点的了)感觉还是挺爽的. 玩多了带准心的FPS. 在玩玩这没准心的,感觉还不错!没准心,一下就躺. 感觉确实有点象美国陆军.

2. 起义,暴动,造反(指状态):insurgence起义,暴动,造反(指行动) | insurgency起义,暴动,造反(指状态) | insurgent起义者,暴动者,造反者

3. 叛乱,暴动:in support of 支援 | insurgency 叛乱,暴动 | integrated fire control system 综合射击控制系统

insurgency 词典解释

1. 起义;暴动;叛乱
    An insurgency is a violent attempt to oppose a country's government carried out by citizens of that country.


    e.g. He has led a violent armed insurgency for 15 years.

insurgency 单语例句

1. The government says it aims to curb growing insurgency in the city which it blames on Islamists who are active in the capital.

2. Carter is scheduled to meet the former Maoist leaders whose rebels gave up their insurgency last year to join the peace process.

3. Dagestan and other Caucasus provinces have been rocked by an Islamic insurgency that has spread across the region following two separatist wars in Chechnya.

4. But they are increasingly ground between a government seeking the trappings of a modern, centralized power structure and an insurgency seeking to further its own global ends.

5. Still the violence that shook Baghdad served as a reminder of the insurgency's persistence and adaptability.

6. The violence came as Iraq's leaders resumed negotiations on a draft of a new constitution, a charter they hope will bring stability and help end the insurgency.

7. The United States struck at the Iraqi insurgency hours later, destroying a warehouse in Baghdad and chasing attackers who were seen firing mortars.

8. Two militant groups said Sunday they have named a new spokesman to silence those who claim to speak for the insurgency.

9. It was the fiercest clash since the king imposed emergency rule a month ago to focus on stamping out the insurgency.

10. US Army Lt Col Jimmie Cummings Jr said the cutbacks that have been announced will not affect the coalition's ability to fight the insurgency.

insurgency 英英释义


1. an organized rebellion aimed at overthrowing a constituted government through the use of subversion and armed conflict

    Synonym: insurgence

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