
intensive是什么意思 intensive在线翻译 intensive什么意思 intensive的意思 intensive的翻译 intensive的解释 intensive的发音 intensive的同义词

intensive [ɪnˈtensɪv]  [ɪnˈtɛnsɪv] 


intensive 基本解释

形容词加强的,强烈的; [农]精耕细作的; [语]加强语意的; (农业方法)集约的

名词加强器; [语]强义词,强调成份

intensive 反义词



intensive 相关例句


1. Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill.

intensive 网络解释

1. 集中的:因此,美国高等学校也采取集中的(intensive)或者深入的(immersion)服务性学习模式,从而最大程度地发挥服务性学习的作用. 虽然许多人在论及集中的服务性学习与深入的服务性学习时经常混用,但二者还是有一定的区别.

2. intensive的翻译

2. 深入的:心理咨询和心理治疗一样,其内容和性质也可概括地分两类,一是支持性的(或叫指示性的)心理咨询,二是深入的(intensive)或叫促进的(faciliative)心理咨询.

3. 密集:底特律大学 University of Detroit Mercy 提供了ESL (English as the Second Language) 的语言课程帮助同学在英文说, 读, 听, 写,文法上的能力, 让同学不致在正式的课程中跟不上美国在地的同学;底特律大学的ESL课程提供提供密集(Intensive)和(Intermediate)两种等级,

intensive 词典解释

1. 加强的;集中的;密集的
    Intensive activity involves concentrating a lot of effort or people on one particular task in order to try to achieve a great deal in a short time.

    e.g. ...several days and nights of intensive negotiations...
    e.g. Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work.

Ruth's parents opted to educate her intensively at home.

2. 集约(经营)的;精耕细作的
    Intensive farming involves producing as many crops or animals as possible from your land, usually with the aid of chemicals.

    e.g. Elsewhere large areas have been drained and levelled for industry or intensive farming.
    e.g. ...intensive methods of rearing poultry.

Will they farm the rest of their land less intensively?

intensive 单语例句

1. An intensive industrial layout that focuses on business conglomerates will form and waste water, gas and solid discharges by chemical fertilizer enterprises will be controlled and recycled.

2. The bank's founders need to determine the exact business scope and operation model for it to survive the intensive competition in the domestic financial market.

3. Wang pointed out that the LCD industry was both technology and capital intensive.

4. The job impact is small because steel is a capital intensive industry.

5. Service sectors are less capital intensive than industry - this has the benefit of generating more jobs for every 1 percent of growth.

6. Being both capital and technology intensive, equipment manufacturing relies increasingly on technological developments.

7. The system places a heavy burden on enterprises wanting to increase their fixed assets investment, especially for enterprises that are intensive in their use of capital and technologies.

8. He will be accompanied by a cardiologist and intensive care specialists to evaluate the situation and is expected to submit a report about it.

9. Her parents were told she might need to go to Great Ormond Street and receive intensive care.

10. Liao is still in critical condition and being treated in the intensive care unit of the Xinqiao Hospital in Chongqing.

intensive 英英释义


1. a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies

    e.g. `up' in `finished up' is an intensifier
           `honestly' in `I honestly don't know' is an intensifier

    Synonym: intensifier



1. characterized by a high degree or intensity
    often used as a combining form

    e.g. the questioning was intensive
           intensive care
           a labor-intensive industry

2. of agriculture
    intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor

    e.g. intensive agriculture
           intensive conditions

3. tending to give force or emphasis

    e.g. an intensive adverb

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