
intentions是什么意思 intentions在线翻译 intentions什么意思 intentions的意思 intentions的翻译 intentions的解释 intentions的发音 intentions的同义词



intentions 基本解释

意向;目的;打算;意图( intention的名词复数 );

intentions 网络解释

1. <意图>:王尔德在一八九一年出版了四本风格迥异的书:<<意图>>(Intentions)是调子轻松但隐含了严肃的哲理和浓厚的学术色彩的艺术评论集;<<萨维尔勋爵的罪行与其他故事>>(Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Tales)是他在担任<<妇女世界>>编辑期间写的四个短篇故事的集结;

2. intentions什么意思

2. 意愿:上升人类的意愿 (intentions) 是可以影响全人类的. 越多上升人亲手为自己栽种蔬果,将来人类就会重新对亲手耕种蔬果感兴趣. 如此一来,人类将回归与土地、蔬果坚果等大自然王国和地球亲蜜地接触状态. 等人们又再度接触植物王国的意识,

3. 目的:自然法则观强调必须区分战争目的(intentions)和战争动机(motives). 目的指的是企图通过战争达到的目标,动机指的是导致选择战争的情绪原因. 美国出兵伊拉克是否正当,反对者或支持者一般都以他们自己所见的出兵目的为理由.

intentions 单语例句

1. We are right to question business leaders and whether we can trust their intentions, judgment and capabilities to do the right thing.

2. In fact we always try to be constructive and act out of good intentions.

3. New French rules require a potential predator to be clear about its intentions or forego any action for six months.

4. The Australian radio station issued an apology on Thursday, but said the call had been made with " lighthearted intentions ".

5. The government can harness this potential by ensuring there are the right channels to capitalize on their good intentions.

6. At the core of the matter is the actuality of Iran's intentions.

7. Chirac's traditional New Year's address to reporters yesterday offered a clear opportunity to telegraph his intentions.

8. When it became clear that her intentions were less than friendly, the woman was hustled away by the show's security staff.

9. Clinging to such outmoded perceptions and prejudices just leads to misjudgments of Beijing's diplomatic intentions and does severe harm to international relations.

10. But no matter how good a local government's intentions are it cannot force a cyber caf to close down without a valid and legal reason.

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