
interactive是什么意思 interactive在线翻译 interactive什么意思 interactive的意思 interactive的翻译 interactive的解释 interactive的发音

interactive [ˌɪntərˈæktɪv]  [ˌɪntɚˈæktɪv] 

interactive 基本解释

形容词互动的; 互相作用的,相互影响的; [计]交互式的


interactive 网络解释

1. 交互作用的:顾客一供应商关系是一种共存(symbiotic)、交互作用的(interactive)增值关系. ( 3 )敏捷(agile )与可伸缩(scalable).对需求变化、新产品上市、快速增长或供应商网络再造的响应,都是通过敏捷的生产、分销和信息流设计来保证的.

2. 交互的:检索过程是在人与机器的合作、协同下完成的,它们经常用实时的(real time)、交互的(interactive)的方式从计算机存贮的大量数据中自动分拣出用户所需要的信息.

interactive 词典解释

1. 交互的;人机对话的
    An interactive computer program or television system is one which allows direct communication between the user and the machine.

    e.g. This will make videogames more interactive than ever.

...cable broadcast companies that offer interactivity.

2. 互动的;互相交流的
    If you describe a group of people or their activities as interactive, you mean that the people communicate with each other.

    e.g. ...flexible, interactive teaching in the classroom.

interactive 单语例句

1. The museum ticket is an electronic card that visitors can use to activate recordings, videos and interactive exhibitions.

2. As the largest interactive project during the 2012 Liuzhou International Water Carnival, the event aims to become an affiliated venue of the Munich Oktoberfest.

3. The interactive dance performance and mini cocktail party will close the distance between performers and audience and add to the Christmas festivities.

4. CBS Interactive is launching an online feature that enables groups of viewers to collectively watch and interact with streaming TV content.

5. This tour is interactive, taking students to explore all the colourful fresh items in a local Chinese food market.

6. On the same day, the " Interactive County Mayor " column was started.

7. To make those government websites an interactive communication channel, operators should put more useful and updated information onto the Internet.

8. China's Internet company Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited is also on the list, according to the report.

9. While many young people complain it is difficult for them to understand folk music, the festival will provide interactive shows to foster greater appreciation.

10. The artist sees creation as an interactive process, through which he explores the consumption and distribution of everyday consumer products.


interactive 英英释义


1. used especially of drugs or muscles that work together so the total effect is greater than the sum of the two (or more)

    Synonym: synergistic

2. capable of acting on or influencing each other

    Synonym: interactional

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