
intone是什么意思 intone在线翻译 intone什么意思 intone的意思 intone的翻译 intone的解释 intone的发音 intone的同义词 intone的反义词 intone的例句

intone [ɪnˈtəʊn]  [ɪnˈtoʊn] 


intone 基本解释

及物/不及物动词吟诵; 吟咏; 给…一种特殊音调; 发出拖长的声音

intone 双语例句

1. intone

1. One row would intone, while the other would reply: `In Him let the trusting trust.

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2. Let them come quickly and intone a dirge for us, That our eyes may be wet with weeping, our cheeks run with tears.

3. intone的近义词

3. Work out on the InTONE Jogger at least three times a week and you'll see the results.

4. Smith in real life; the shameless mythologizing that allowed Southern Republicans to rise on the Senate floor and somberly intone about the impropriety of filibusters, without even a peep of acknowledgment that it was the politicians from their states-their direct political forebears-who had perfected the art for a malicious cause.
    Smith Goes to Washington,拍摄于30年代,描写一名理想化的青年试图改变美国参议院中腐化枉法的经过。

5. Because Amitabha can receive disciples who intone Namo Amitabha to the West Pure Land, he is also called the Receiving Buddha.

6. Mock people's ignorance; Intone temporary thought.

7. The chanting stilled as the leader, face shadowed by a heavily gilded hood, stepped forward and began to intone a ritual in some indecipherable tongue.

8. If I intone the blessings.

9. MA Xiaohui also showed her beautiful dancing and live intone, which will let the fans have a new understanding of Chinese traditional music.

10. The parrot he had just bought could recite Shakespeare's sonnets, imitate opera stars and intone Homer's epic poems in Greek.

11. There's an ancient saying: After reading up three hundred Tang pos, you can at least intone pos even you can't write th.

12. Amitabha vows that " All sentient beings that intone my Buddha epithet will eradicate their crimes of eight billion eons and acquire merits of eight billion eons. "

13. intone

13. The so-called " intone " is a longer audio-video intonating voice Side Reading, which stresses the cadence of the tone and rhythm. It is a traditional good way of poetry reading in China.

14. Amitabha vows that " All sentient beings that intone my Buddha epithet will eradicate their crimes of eight billion eons and acquire merits of eight billion eons. "

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15. As far as the content and style are concerned, Xin's theme contains wide scope, some are to express the emotion, some are to intone the nature, some are to describe the fact. As for the style, his poems are more rich and colorful than others, some are circumbendibus, some are minuteness, some are generosity.

intone 词典解释

1. 缓慢庄重地说;(以单一的音调)吟咏,吟诵
    If you intone something, you say it in a slow and serious way, with most of the words at one pitch.


    e.g. He quietly intoned several prayers...
    e.g. 'But Jesus is here!' the priest intoned.

intone 英英释义


1. recite with musical intonation
    recite as a chant or a psalm

    e.g. The rabbi chanted a prayer

    Synonym: chantintonatecantillate

2. speak carefully, as with rising and falling pitch or in a particular tone

    e.g. please intonate with sadness

    Synonym: intonate

3. utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically

    e.g. The students chanted the same slogan over and over again

    Synonym: tonechant

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