
irritant是什么意思 irritant在线翻译 irritant什么意思 irritant的意思 irritant的翻译 irritant的解释 irritant的发音 irritant的同义词

irritant [ˈɪrɪtənt]  [ˈɪrɪtənt] 


irritant 基本解释

形容词有刺激性的; 使无效的,使失效的


irritant 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 刺激剂:对气对健康有害物质 (Health Hazard) 根据已知高毒性物质 (Highly Toxical Material) 产生刺激剂 (Irritant) 一种无腐蚀性的但当与活自燃气体 (Pyrophoric Gas) 是指在气温≤急救处理 (First Aid Treatment) 对受害者危险评价 (

2. 刺激物:过敏性哮喘可由暴露于室内空气污染物所致,这些污染物可能是致敏原(Allergen)也可能是刺激物(Irritant). 接触过敏原是哮喘发作的最主要因素之一,大量的流行病学资料都证明了接触过敏原和哮喘患病率之间的紧密联系.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 刺激性:通常可在几周内复原. 发泡性(vesicant)反应在外渗初期呈现类似发炎的症状,在泛红、疼痛及持续进行的溃疡,接著组织坏死可能在几天后才发生. 目前临床上常见的化学药物,刺激性(Irritant)及发疱性(Vesicant)化疗药物外渗处理建议:

4. 刺激性的;刺激物:irritability 应激性,感应性 | irritant 刺激性的;刺激物 | island of Langerhans 胰岛

irritant 词典解释

1. 令人生气的事;让人恼火的事
    If you describe something as an irritant, you mean that it keeps annoying you.

    e.g. He said the issue was not a major irritant.

2. (令身体部位发痒或疼痛的)刺激物
    An irritant is a substance which causes a part of your body to itch or become sore.

    e.g. Many pesticides are irritants.

irritant 单语例句

1. Another office irritant for eyes is dry air from heating and air conditioning systems.

2. The mother mice transmitted the allergen to their newborn through the milk, helping the offspring to develop an immunological tolerance to the irritant.

3. " It was just an irritant issue, " NASA spokesman James Hartsfield said.

4. The polluted session of the river turned brown and smells irritant even from tens of meters away.

5. The common thread among the topics expected to be discussed is that each is an irritant for US lawmakers and industry.

6. What began as an irritant has evolved into a distracting legal spat as she explores a run for California governor.

7. The killings of civilians by foreign forces has been a major irritant in President Hamid Karzai's relationship with his international partners.

8. The Kremlin has accused Latvia of violating the rights of minorities, and the question has been a major irritant in bilateral relations.

9. White vapor rose from the rear of the tank and an irritant odor could be smelt on the scene.

10. Alden believes the lack of protection for intellectual property rights in China continues to be a major irritant in relations.

irritant 英英释义


1. something that causes irritation and annoyance

    e.g. he's a thorn in my flesh

    Synonym: thorn

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