
its是什么意思 its在线翻译 its什么意思 its的意思 its的翻译 its的解释 its的发音 its的同义词 its的反义词 its的例句 its的相关词组

its [ɪts]  [ɪts] 

its 基本解释


代词(it的所有格形式)它的; 厥


its 相关例句


1. its什么意思

1. She gave the baby its food.


1. The dog wagged its tail.

2. its

2. The book has lost its jacket.

its 情景对话



A:I'd like to buy some stamps for this letter.

B:Let me just weigh it first.

A:How much will it be?

B:Are you sending it by regular or by speed?


A:Just the regular.

B:That'll be four yuan.

A:How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination?


B:Just two days.



B:Good day.

A:Good day also to you.


B:Man, that sunset is beautiful. I’ve never seen one so red.


A:Yeah, it’s pretty nice, but its so red because of air pollution.



A:Yeah, the smog from all these cars gets into the air and turns the sunlight red.

B:I never knew that.

A:Yeah, more people need to take public transportation or carpool.

B:Well, we’ve already done our part.

A:Yeah, it’s your turn to drive next week. Don’t be late picking me up.

B:Don’t worry. I’m getting more sleep these days. The baby’s finally growing up a little more.

A:Well, give me a call if you can’t make it for some reason.

Looking for an Apartment-(找房子)

A:I need to find a new place to live.


B:Yeah? Why? Don’t you like living with me?


A:Oh, it’s not you. I just want my own place.

B:Well, check the newspaper.


A:Jeez…I didn’t realize a single bedroom apartment went for so much these days.


B:Yeah, prices have really gone up the past couple of years.

A:Oh, here’s one. It’s looks like its in this neighborhood, $600 a month. That’s not to bad.

B:No, it’s pretty good. Why not give the landlord a call?


A:Hello. I’m calling about the one bedroom in Lincoln Park. Could I take a look at it? Yes. Tonight at six is fine. Thanks.

its 网络解释

1. 智能交通:这样,社会应急联动通信系统将与社会公众有线网、公众无线/移动通信网、INTER网、智能 交通 (ITS)网等一道,构筑一个更广义的信息通信平台,实现对突发事件的更快速、有效的应急处理.

2. 公司:作物决心使印度尼西亚烤烟和白肋烟获得显要地位的印度尼西亚Tri Sembilan公司(ITS)最近在靠近Surabaya的东爪哇开设了一家先进的烟叶加工厂. 该公司是由标准商业公司控股的一家分公司. 该公司不仅对印度尼西亚烤烟和白肋烟的发展潜力充满信心,

3. its什么意思

3. its:intelligent transports systems; 智能交通系统

4. its:intellingence tutorial system; 智能教学系统

5. its:railway intelligent transport system; 智能运输系统

6. its的解释

6. its:information serving system; 信息服务系统

its 词典解释

Its is a third person singular possessive determiner. its 是第三人称单数所有格限定词。

1. 它的,他的,她的(用于表示某物属于某东西、地方、动物、婴儿等)
    You use its to indicate that something belongs or relates to a thing, place, or animal that has just been mentioned or whose identity is known. You can use its to indicate that something belongs or relates to a child or baby.

    e.g. The British Labor Party concludes its annual conference today in Brighton.
    e.g. ...Japan, with its extreme housing shortage...

Do not confuse its and it's. Its means 'belonging to it'. It's is short for 'it is' or 'it has'. The horse raised its head... It's hot in here… It's stopped raining.
切勿混淆 its 和 it's。its 表示“它的”,而 it's 是 it is 或 it has 的缩合形式:The horse raised its head (马抬起头),It's hot in here (这儿很热),It's stopped raining (雨已经停了)。

its 单语例句

1. Even if the group had done its homework carefully, the business of its Silver World restaurant wasn't so satisfactory.

2. China and its neighbours have become a significant global force in business and economics.

3. Lenovo is trying to turn around its overseas business by improving efficiency and cutting costs by laying off some workers.

4. That will help it increase its operational efficiency, lower its human resources costs and channel resources into its core business.

5. Japan has been making efforts across the board to improve its ability to defend itself, having depended on the United States for protection since World War II.

6. The firm also said it expects its product divisions to developed at least one new sustainable and profitable business project by year's end.

7. Yet China still pins a great deal of its hope to economic growth to further its development across the board.

8. The company will split its business into two branches in the future, with one entity to develop educational products and the other to provide education and training.

9. Its business in Beijing also ended in failure, closing in 1998.

10. PetroChina will develop its own coalbed methane business after quitting the firm, the China Securities Journal this month cited industry sources as saying.

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