
jetsam是什么意思 jetsam在线翻译 jetsam什么意思 jetsam的意思 jetsam的翻译 jetsam的解释 jetsam的发音 jetsam的同义词 jetsam的反义词 jetsam的例句

jetsam [ˈdʒetsəm]  [ˈdʒɛtsəm] 

jetsam 基本解释

名词投弃货物,漂流到海岸的货物; 沉料; 投弃负荷


jetsam 相关例句


1. Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.

jetsam 网络解释

1. jetsam什么意思

1. 劫鯊:浮深(Flotsam)和劫鲨(Jetsam)在英文里头的意思是飘浮在海上的船上物品. 劫鲨(Jetsam)指的是,紧急状况时,从船上丢弃,以减轻重量的物品. 浮深(Flotsam)则指漂浮在水面的船只残余碎片. 两个词常常一块儿用,就像我们的浮深和劫鲨,

2. jetsam的解释

2. 船只遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物:wreckage 残骸 | jetsam 船只遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物 | jettison 遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物

3. 沉锤;投弃货物:jetocopter 喷气式直升机 | jetsam 沉锤;投弃货物 | jetted particle drilling 喷砂钻井

4. 投弃货物:jetport 喷气机场 | jetsam 投弃货物 | jetted 理石装饰的

jetsam 双语例句

1. Jetsam! I want you to keep an extra close watch on this pretty little daughter of his.

2. Journalistic jetsam they may seem in hindsight, but they were laying the foundation for a major philosophical work.

3. Jetsam:It was only a suggestion.

4. Not to be simply dragged along as a sort of piece of flotsam or jetsam.

5. jetsam的近义词

5. The unexpected discovery of an object of great monetary value precious stone, valuable adhesive or impressed postage stamps (7 schilling, mauve, imperforate, Hamburg, 1866:4 pence, rose, blue paper, perforate, Great Britain, 1855:1 franc, stone, official, rouletted, diagonal surcharge, Luxemburg, 1878, antique dynastical ring, unique relic in unusual repositories or by unusual means: from the air, by fire (amid the carbonised remains of an incendiated edifice), in the sea (amid flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict), on earth (in the gizzard of a comestible fowl).

6. Much of it was, and is, in the central Pacific, where scientists believe as much as 100m tonnes of plastic jetsam are suspended in two separate gyres of garbage over an area twice the size of the United States.

7. You know the difference between flotsam and jetsam?

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. When my daughter moves, she will give her flotsam and jetsam to the Salvation Army.

9. jetsam在线翻译

9. They counted themselves as wanderers, misfits, flotsam and jetsam.

10. Some people feel that the Internet contains a lot of flotsam and jetsam.

11. Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.

12. After the storm, the sea was covered with flotsam and jetsam.

13. jetsam的意思

13. My desk drawer is crammed full of the flotsam and jetsam.

14. jetsam的翻译

14. Peruse the league`s depth charts (most likely you already have many times over), and you`re likely to find either untouchables or mere flotsam and jetsam.

15. jetsam是什么意思

15. Without a good leader an organization will go where the tide takes it, and as is so predictable with tides, they will be cast on the shoreline like the flotsam and jetsam of our society.

16. According to international officials whose job is to cope with human flotsam and jetsam, the problem of statelessness is growing fast, despite a modest decline in the number of refugees in the strict sense.

17. Threw themselves on the food; jetsam that had been thrown up onto the shore.

18. Movement velocity of jetsam in a vibrated fluidied bed

jetsam 词典解释

1. -> see flotsam

jetsam 英英释义


1. the floating wreckage of a ship

    Synonym: flotsam

2. the part of a ship's equipment or cargo that is thrown overboard to lighten the load in a storm

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