
john是什么意思 john在线翻译 john什么意思 john的意思 john的翻译 john的解释 john的发音 john的同义词 john的反义词 john的例句 john的相关词组

john [dʒɒn]  [dʒɑ:n] 

john 基本解释

名词抽水马桶; 厕所


john 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Pardon me, I have to use the john.

john 情景对话


A:Beijing Trading Campany. May I help you?

B:I would like to talk with Mr.Zhong.


A:We have two Zhongs. Is that Bob Zhong, or John Zhong?


B:John Zhong

A:I'm sorry, he's not in the office now.

B:Do you have any idea when he'll be back?

A:I have no idea(when he'll be back.)

B:Can you ask him to call me when he comes back?It's urgent.


A:I'm sorry but he's in Shanghai on business.Probably sometime tomorrow.

B:Is there anyone else who can help me?

A:Maybe you can connect with Miss Zhang.

B:OK.Would you please get it through to Miss Zhang.

A:OK. I'll just put you through.Just a moment, please.
      好的,我这就给您转接。 请稍候。


B:You're welcome.

Renting a house-(租房)

B:Hi, I’m Mary Smith.

A:Hello, I’m the landlord. John Taylor.

B:Nice to meet you Mr. Taylor.


A:Please, call me John.

B:O.K., John. Well, can I have a look at the place?


A:Sure. Come on it. We just finished rebuilding everything.


B:Oh, it hasn’t been painted yet.

A:No, we’re going to get that done next week.

B:Well. It’s certainly nice. You’ve done a great job.

A:Thank you.


B:The rent is $600 a month?

A:That’s right.


B:Well, I think I’ll take it. Can I write you a check for the security deposit now? $1200?


A:Yeah. But why don’t you come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease?


B:That would be fine.


A:Thank you. See you tomorrow.

B:See you.


A:Who’s your favorite actor?

B:Tom Cruise, of course!

A:You’ve got to be kidding me! He’s horrible!

B:He may be a strange person in real life, but he’s a talented actor.

A:He used to be. He was good in Rain Man, Jerry McGuire, and Cocktail. But the films he’s done recently aren’t worth seeing.

B:Do you mean that you didn’t like Mission Impossible III?

A:That’s exactly what I mean. I actually left the theater halfway through the film!

B:Who’s your favorite actor?


A:I like John Cusack.

B:What’s your favorite John Cusack’s film?

A:I like one of his older ones, Say Anything. Have you seen it?

B:Sure, that’s a good film.

A:Some people say that he always plays the same role. Do you think that makes him a bad actor?

B:Not necessarily. Maybe he just knows what he does well and sticks withthat.

A:Regardless, I think he’s great.

john 网络解释

1. 约翰福音:(不要自欺,上帝是轻慢不得的.人种的是什么,收的也是什么.顺着情欲撒种的,必从情欲收败坏;顺着圣灵撒种的,必从圣灵收永生.)源于<<新约全书>> (the New Testament) <<约翰福音>> (John) 中的一个故事:耶稣(Jesus)清晨在圣殿讲道时,

2. 黄俊源:黄俊源(John)自歌唱比赛结束后,独自一个人租了一间房屋居住. 初时他觉得浑身不自在,感觉有一个黑影跟随他,於是他邀请有阴阳眼的朋友上来他家看个究竟,才知XX住在这里. *蔡健雅(Tanya)有一晚跑通告到凌晨才回到酒店,

3. john的翻译

3. 吳宇森:梁朝伟昨日在<<赤壁>>记者会上,与吴宇森(John)导演互戴 高帽,伟仔表示演过周瑜一角后,令他重新认识吴导演,觉得他与周瑜待人接物的方式非常相似,而吴宇森则认为大家都是有承担的人.

john 单语例句

1. " Exercising with an Indian warship is a valuable opportunity for the Navy, " said Te Mana commanding officer Commander John Butcher.

2. Jennifer Aniston has enjoyed a date with Gerard Butler - at the same venue she was seen dining with John Mayer days earlier.

3. This is supported by John and Doris Naisbitt, in their 2009 book China's Megatrends.

4. The government was disappointed by the appointment of white UK national John Parker as chairman last week.

5. The script was written by Ed Decter and John Strauss, whose credits include Disney's last two " Santa Clause " movies.

6. Treasury Secretary John Snow and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan convinced them China was about to act on currency reform.

7. A piano formally owned by John Lennon is set to embark on a peace tour organised by singer George Michael.

8. John Edwards, and President George Bush are surrounded by supporters on the campaign trail.

9. Federer opens with a bye and will face John Isner of the US or a qualifier in the second round.

10. The original directors of Les Miserables Trevor Nunn and John Caird are returning to direct the Chinese version.

john 英英释义



1. a room or building equipped with one or more toilets

    Synonym: toiletlavatorylavcanprivybathroom

2. a prostitute's customer

    Synonym: whoremasterwhoremongertrick

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