
keep long in stock是什么意思 keep long in stock在线翻译 keep long in stock什么意思 keep long in stock的意思 keep long in stock的翻译

keep long in stock

keep long in stock 双语例句

1. keep long in stock的解释

1. We would rather reduce the price than keep long goods in stock.

2. keep long in stock是什么意思

2. Through hardships of a year, sell product of keep long in stock one sky eventually.

3. keep long in stock的近义词

3. Up to by 2008, keep long in stock of this company altogether more than 150 million yuan inventory, and among them 70% was 2008 is new add keep long in stock.

4. If some is planted merchandise keep long in stock, do not earn money not only, still meet this compensate is smooth.

5. keep long in stock什么意思

5. Presently, because the production is serious keep long in stock, marketing channel is not smooth, the market status is becoming more and more serious.

6. My plant is former product keep long in stock is serious, quality is inferior, company loss.

7. In addition, although Vietnam concerns a branch to be reported again and again, to avoid to pollute an environment, chinese government already public proclamation prohibits importing raw rubber, but the pedlar of a few privately owned of Vietnam south and finite liability company because information is not expedite, still carry many tons of 100 raw rubber to the awn street of the border land in jumping over, prepare to be exported to China, the result causes these merchandise keep long in stock to be in awn street.
    此外 ,尽管越南有关部门一再通报,为了避免污染环境,中国政府已明令禁止进口生橡胶,但是越南南方的一些私营商贩和有限责任公司由于信息不畅通,依然把100多吨生橡胶运到越中边境的芒街,预备向中国出口,结果造成这些商品积压在芒街。

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Foreign trade enterprise exports atrophy, a large number of keep long in stock are in the commodity with good quality in storehouse, the trade inside transition is not simple, sale channel, brand, accord with inside need a characteristic to wait precondition a moment, be not in one day to be able to transform, more need overhand and a good deal of capital.

9. As the end of Spring Festival holiday, the keep long in stock in many other peoples a large number of oneself are not used on, lost regrettablly " special purchases for the Spring Festival ".

10. Stock represents shares of ownership in a company. Investors who buy stock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business.

11. Occupy Xie Funing to divulge, this net inn had received goods to deserve to send the urgent announcement of the company a few days ago: Suffer effect of snow calamity linkage, each airline and ministry of airport freight transport explode cabin, goods keep long in stock is serious, airport sorting rate is slow, difficulty of pick up the goods, bring about partial goods cannot seasonable change trains.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. As the end of Spring Festival holiday, the keep long in stock in many other peoples a large number of oneself are not used on, lost regrettablly " special purchases for the Spring Festival ".

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