
killer是什么意思 killer在线翻译 killer什么意思 killer的意思 killer的翻译 killer的解释 killer的发音 killer的同义词 killer的反义词 killer的例句

killer [ˈkɪlə(r)]  [ˈkɪlɚ] 


killer 基本解释

名词凶手,杀人者; 止痛药; 宰杀的器具; 〈俚〉鬼门关

killer 网络解释

1. 游戏:桌游是现今全国各地最潮流最时尚的朋友欢聚活动和交友最佳场所. 在广州上海北京等各大城市均火爆非常,热门游戏如三国杀、卡坦岛等均经常有各类型赛事,反应热烈. BK桌游吧网罗各地最受欢迎桌面游戏,包括三国杀、卡坦岛、马尼拉、车票等等,并开放杀人游戏(killer)令大家进入一个警匪对抗的世界.

killer 词典解释

1. 杀人者;杀手
    A killer is a person who has killed someone, or who intends to kill someone.

    e.g. The police are searching for his killers...
    e.g. He's a psychopath, a killer.

2. 导致死亡的事物
    You can refer to something that causes death or is likely to cause death as a killer .


    e.g. Heart disease is the biggest killer of men in most developed countries.

killer 单语例句

1. A capital punishment for such a killer was typical for a legal system that is supposed to deliver justice for society.

2. He said the killer had cleaned the murder scene so that the carnage was not visible from outside.

3. Kua said the group had lodged a police complaint and had organised about 15 volunteers to keep a lookout for the cat killer.

4. Cervical cancer has recently become the second biggest killer among the top 10 cancers threatening local women.

5. A defense lawyer says the confessed killer of a liberal Pakistani governor has pleaded guilty to a murder charge.

6. Bush planned to show sympathy for the misery brought on by the killer storm while charting a hopeful vision for the future.

7. Strict law enforcement is the way to check cases such as " killer milk powder " case, and root out counterfeited products and disorder in the market.

8. Handlers from the circus were able to calm it down, and Olson cleaned the leg wound and gave it some pain killer.

9. Relief workers were still trying to come to terms with the scale of the December 26 earthquake and killer waves that hit 11 nations.

10. Options are dwindling for a condemned killer who argues he's too fat to be executed humanely under the state's lethal injection process.

killer 英英释义


1. predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin
    common in cold seas

    Synonym: killer whaleorcagrampussea wolfOrcinus orca

2. a difficulty that is hard to deal with

    e.g. that exam was a real killer

3. someone who causes the death of a person or animal

    Synonym: slayer

4. the causal agent resulting in death

    e.g. heart disease is the biggest killer in the United States

    Synonym: cause of death

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