
kiss是什么意思 kiss在线翻译 kiss什么意思 kiss的意思 kiss的翻译 kiss的解释 kiss的发音 kiss的同义词 kiss的反义词 kiss的例句 kiss的相关词组

kiss [kɪs]  [kɪs] 


kiss 基本解释

及物动词接吻; 轻拂; 轻微碰撞

不及物动词接吻; 轻触

名词吻; 轻触; 小糖果; 蛋白甜饼,球形饼干

kiss 相关词组

1. kiss of life : n. 生命之吻;

2. kiss away : 吻掉(用吻来消除忧愁、眼泪等);

3. kiss off : <美俚> (粗暴的)解雇, 开除;

kiss 相关例句


1. She kissed the baby on the cheek.

2. kiss是什么意思

2. A soft wind kissed the tree tops.

3. The children kissed their parents good night.


1. They kissed and said good-bye.


1. danci.911cha.com

1. She gave her husband a kiss.

kiss 网络解释

1. 接吻:大家在接吻(kiss)的時候會不會閉上眼睛????大家在和他(她) 接吻(kiss) 的時候會不會閉上眼睛????

2. kiss:or kiss; 北出菜奈

3. kiss:keep it simple and sweet; 简洁原则

4. kiss:kiss by; 再次送给情人节的

5. kiss:keep it simple and stupid; 继续装糊涂装傻〖网语〗

kiss 词典解释

1. 吻;亲吻
    If you kiss someone, you touch them with your lips to show affection or sexual desire, or to greet them or say goodbye.


    e.g. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek...
    e.g. She kissed me hard on the mouth...

2. 轻吻(以示尊敬)
    If you kiss something, you touch it lightly with your lips, usually as a sign of respect.

    e.g. The men stepped forward to kiss the hand of their mentor...
    e.g. She bowed her head and kissed the Archbishop's ring.

3. 轻拂;轻触
    If you say that something kisses another thing, you mean that it touches that thing very gently.

    e.g. The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway.

4. 飞吻
    If you blow someone a kiss or blow a kiss, you touch the palm of your hand lightly with your lips, and then blow across your hand towards the person, in order to show them your affection.

    e.g. Maria blew him a kiss...
    e.g. Amy blew a kiss from the door.

5. 任其失去;放弃;承认对…无能为力
    If you say that you kiss something goodbye or kiss goodbye to something, you accept the fact that you are going to lose it, although you do not want to.

    e.g. I felt sure I'd have to kiss my dancing career goodbye.

kiss 单语例句

1. A gentleman is supposed to act chivalrous and pick up the bill, not charge 50 yuan for a kiss.

2. Perhaps you should forget about your plans and judgments and just choose the man you cannot help but want to kiss.

3. Her lawsuit alleges the actor repeatedly tried to kiss and fondle her after she appeared as an extra on the show in August.

4. Shakira is sharing the first public photograph of her recently born baby, with father Gerard Pique planting a kiss on his infant son's cheek.

5. The director pretended to be angry and told Zhang that she had to really kiss Guo's cheek.

6. Kiss also includes a deli downstairs with fresh, healthy sandwiches and a chic and cozy bar upstairs that overlooks Jianwai SOHO.

7. The church leaders then greeted all the cardinals and bishops with a " kiss of peace " before lighting candles for Christian martyrs of different faiths.

8. A couple in Thailand broke the world record for the longest continuous kiss.

9. The Mexico City government is urging people to converge on the huge Zocalo city center and simultaneously kiss on Valentine's Day.

10. Best friends Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston will share an onscreen kiss in new drama series Dirt.

kiss 英英释义


1. a light glancing touch

    e.g. there was a brief kiss of their hands in passing

2. the act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof)

    Synonym: bussosculation

3. any of several bite-sized candies

    Synonym: candy kiss

4. a cookie made of egg whites and sugar


1. touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.

    e.g. The newly married couple kissed
           She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room

    Synonym: snogbussosculate

2. touch lightly or gently

    e.g. the blossoms were kissed by the soft rain

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