
knife是什么意思 knife在线翻译 knife什么意思 knife的意思 knife的翻译 knife的解释 knife的发音 knife的同义词 knife的反义词 knife的例句

knife [naɪf]  [naɪf] 


knife 基本解释


名词刀; 匕首; 刃部; 手术刀

及物动词切割,刺; 伤害

不及物动词劈开; 划过

knife 相关词组

1. before you can say knife : 突然;


knife 网络解释

1. 餐刀:汤匙(soupspoon)放在餐刀(knife)的右边. 吃小菜的餐碟(plate)及餐具应放在菜碟上,同时用餐巾(napkin)轻轻盖住. 酒杯(wine glass)应摆在盘子右前方,并把胡椒粉、盐(salt)等调料装在瓶子(bottle)里,再配一把小匙.

2. 刀子:1. 以f/fe结尾的名词的复数形式是将f或fe变为v,然后再加es. 这类名词可巧记为:小偷(thief)的妻子(wife)拿树叶(leaf)当刀子(knife),在架子(shelf)后把狼(wolf)一劈两半(half),结束了它的生命(life).

knife 词典解释

knives is the plural form of the noun and knifes is the third person singular of the present tense of the verb. knives 是该词的名词复数形式,knifes 是该词的动词现在时第三人称单数形式。

    A knife is a tool for cutting or a weapon and consists of a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge on the end of a handle.

    e.g. ...a knife and fork...
    e.g. Two robbers broke into her home, held a knife to her throat and stole her savings.

2. 用刀伤害
    To knife someone means to attack and injure them with a knife.


    e.g. Dawson takes revenge on the man by knifing him to death...
    e.g. She was knifed in the back six times.

3. 手术刀
    A surgeon's knife is a piece of equipment used to cut flesh and organs during operations. It is made of metal and has a very thin sharp edge.

4. 接受手术;动手术
    If you go under the knife, you have an operation in a hospital.

    e.g. Kelly was about to go under the knife when her surgeon stopped everything.

5. see also: carving knife;fish knife;flick knife;palette knife;paper knife;pocket knife;Stanley knife

6. 轻而易举;毫无困难
    If someone does something like a knife through butter or like a hot knife through butter, they do it very easily.


    e.g. Spending by Japanese companies has left them more competitive than companies in other nations. They will be cutting through the competition like a hot knife through butter.

7. (紧张的气氛)使人透不过气来
    If you have been in a place where there was a very tense atmosphere, you can say that you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.

    e.g. Officials hung the flag upside down. You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.

8. 对…磨刀霍霍;对…兴师问罪
    If a lot of people want something unpleasant to happen to someone, for example if they want them to lose their job, you can say that the knives are out for that person.


    e.g. The Party knives are out for the leader.

9. 落井下石;往伤口上撒盐
    If you twist the knife or if you turn the knife in someone's wound, you do or say something to make an unpleasant situation they are in even more unpleasant.


    e.g. Travis twisted the knife by laughing at her...
    e.g. It is the turn of Latvia to twist the knife.

knife 单语例句


1. After police arrested him and two more officers arrived, police said the father pulled out a butcher knife and tried to stab an officer.

2. Police found a butcher knife near the apartment and said they believe it was used in the killings.

3. The eyes should pop and a knife inserted into the fleshiest part of the fish should go in like butter.

4. He had knife cuts on the head and his face was covered by blood.

5. They are torn by hand and not sliced by knife, and customers thus consider them tastier than ordinary noodles.

6. He then pulled away from the knife, got out and ran away to call police.

7. State media said Yang's capsule was supplied with a gun, a knife and tent in case he landed in the wrong place.

8. If you feel woozy and don't think you can handle the knife, just scrape the carrot clean and dunk in the dip.

9. When I'm armed with a knife and fork I can carve up and shovel away everything.

10. A farmer used a knife to attack a female judge because he was unhappy about a ruling she made in his case weeks earlier.

knife 英英释义



1. edge tool used as a cutting instrument
    has a pointed blade with a sharp edge and a handle

2. a weapon with a handle and blade with a sharp point

3. any long thin projection that is transient

    e.g. tongues of flame licked at the walls
           rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark

    Synonym: tongue


1. use a knife on

    e.g. The victim was knifed to death

    Synonym: stab

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