
knowledge是什么意思 knowledge在线翻译 knowledge什么意思 knowledge的意思 knowledge的翻译 knowledge的解释 knowledge的发音 knowledge的同义词

knowledge [ˈnɒlɪdʒ]  [ˈnɑ:lɪdʒ] 

knowledge 基本解释

名词了解,理解; 知识(表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法); 学科; 见闻

knowledge 同义词



knowledge 反义词


knowledge 相关例句


1. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

2. knowledge

2. My knowledge of Mr.Reed is not very great.

3. We go to school to get knowledge about many different things.

4. She has a good knowledge of London.

knowledge 情景对话


A:my company will begin business soon, but I have little knowledge about the business tax. Can you introduce it?


B:I will try my best. Generally speaking ,the business tax is levied on the taxable service ,the transfer of intangible asset and sale of the immovable property within china .

A:what do you mean by the taxable services?

B:they are the definite items stipulated by the law, such as the transportation, construction, finance , insurance and the like .they do not include the processing, repairs, and replacement services, for they are subject to the value added tax.

A:it is easy to understand the immovable property, but what do you mean by the intangible asset?


B:it means the royalties, include patent right, proprietary technology, copy right, trademark right, and so on.


A:what about the tax base?

B:in most case, it is the total consideration received, including additional fees and charges.

A:does that include the turnover received in advance?


B:yes, it does in the case of transfer of the intangible assets or immovable property .


A:and what about the donation?

B:the donation is taxable in the case of transfer of the immovable property. But the turnover will be assessed by the tax authority.


A:what can we do if we receive turnover in the form of foreign currency?

B:you can transfer the foreign currency into Reminbi at exchange rate based upon either the date or the first day of the month, that the Taxable item happened .

A:how about the tax rate?

B:in general, the rate is from 3% to 5%, but the entertainment is from 5% to 20%.

A:what you have said is very helpful, thank you.

knowledge 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 知识:仍以<<在战时>>为例,他不断重复地使用"知识"(knowledge)一词:"他们满足于自己早熟的知识"(第三首"但从我们的知识中知道/我们能恢复他们自由"(第九首"没有重要的知识在他的头壳里丧失"(第十八首).

2. knowledge的解释

2. 知道;知识:1.知道(知识)(knowledge)是指认识并记忆. 这一层次所涉及的是具体知识或抽象知识的辨认,用一种非常接近于学生当初遇到的某种观念和现象时的形式,回想起这种观念或现象. (回忆,记忆,识别,列表,定义,陈述,

knowledge 词典解释

1. 知识;学问;学识
    Knowledge is information and understanding about a subject which a person has, or which all people have.

    e.g. She told Parliament she had no knowledge of the affair.
    e.g. ...the quest for scientific knowledge.

2. 据…所知
    If you say that something is true to your knowledge or to the best of your knowledge, you mean that you believe it to be true but it is possible that you do not know all the facts.

    e.g. Alec never carried a gun to my knowledge...
    e.g. To the best of my knowledge, Gloria did not make these comments.

3. 因知道…而放心
    If you do something safe in the knowledge that something else is the case, you do the first thing confidently because you are sure of the second thing.

    e.g. You can let your kids play here, safe in the knowledge that they won't get sunburn.

knowledge 单语例句

1. Training workshops could also help increase the knowledge and awareness of employees on business ethics.

2. Henley Business School's masters programmes bridge the gap between theory and practice, inspiring students to develop skills and knowledge that will significantly enhance their future career opportunities.

3. I didn't act on my knowledge until I returned to Hong Kong in 1975.

4. Xu points out that all existing institutions are mainly supported by the government, and have little knowledge of market demand and standard practices.

5. He was previously warned by luxury market insiders that Chinese people can't afford expensive products and have little knowledge of such goods.

6. Those goals will be pursued by means of foreign direct investment or the transfer of technology and knowledge.

7. We may be forced to memorize a multitude of things by rote, but by doing so we broaden and enrich our knowledge.

8. CACC will be able to draw upon the UCV's expertise and knowledge in assisting its portfolio companies to realize their growth potential.

9. Members of the unit pool their knowledge and efforts to realize business targets, giving all employees an active role.

10. The class also combines the knowledge of yinglian with Chinese calligraphy, requiring students to master the use of brush and thus the calligraphic arts.

knowledge 英英释义


1. the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning

    Synonym: cognitionnoesis

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