
ladling是什么意思 ladling在线翻译 ladling什么意思 ladling的意思 ladling的翻译 ladling的解释 ladling的发音 ladling的同义词 ladling的反义词

ladling ['leɪdlɪŋ]  ['leɪdlɪŋ] 


ladling 基本解释

动词(用勺)舀或盛很多(食物)( ladle的现在分词 ); 慷慨地施予某物

ladling 网络解释

1. 用瓢装液(压铸):永久模,金屬(鑄)模permanent mold | 用瓢裝液(壓鑄)ladling | 用銷抬起pin lift

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 金属装桶:ladlewithwoodengrip 木柄汤勺 | ladling 金属装桶 | ladycracker 吨边炮

3. 浇铸:ladle-to-ladle倒包 | ladling浇铸 | lag滞后、延迟、惯性

ladling 双语例句

1. ladling什么意思

1. Availability of strong justice dispensing institutions at national and international level by ladling out fairness can help in ending unjust military adventures and abuse of giant's strength by the power intoxicated dinosaurs.

2. ladling的反义词

2. Take out the egg, and then ladling up the coffee to a cup.

3. Then ladling up the coffee to a cup.

4. Other venture capitalists have been ladling cash into start-ups developing software applications for these online communities.

5. He caught up a jar and a small spoon, and began ladling snuff into his nose in most excessive quantities.

6. Pot take out the egg, and then ladling upthe coffee to a cup.
    个 锅内,然后把咖啡舀到一个杯子里。

7. You can freeze soup conveniently by ladling into freezer bags and stacking.

8. Dating back to China's Three Kingdoms Period (220-280AD), the bathing ritual involves ladling fragrant water steeped with herbs over a statue of the infant Buddha.

9. Average service life of the submerged nozzle is prolonged to 5.0h from 3.5h, improving the fluctuate of liquid surface, the submerged nozzle bias current and shortness of ladle automatic ladling influence caused by slag line hand-operated alter, reducing the occurrence of accident and enhancing the quality of slabs.

10. She was constantly on the phone, ladling out inside details to reporters.

11. Thankfully, I have moved beyond the garlic butter ladling days.

12. 'plenty here, 'said the man, ladling the soup into bowls.

13. But my father, he kept ladling gin down her throat.

14. " Orange, Longbottom, " said Snape, ladling some up and allowing to splash back into the cauldron, so that everyone could see.

15. The maenad on the left of the idol is ladling wine into a drinking cup, while the other two maenads dance ecstatically.

16. ladling什么意思

16. Discuss the research of target ladling and counting methods.

17. ladling

17. Optimization of ladling process under complete continuous casting production

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