
larboard是什么意思 larboard在线翻译 larboard什么意思 larboard的意思 larboard的翻译 larboard的解释 larboard的发音 larboard的同义词

larboard ['lɑ:bəd]  ['lɑ:ˌbəd] 

larboard 基本解释




larboard 反义词


larboard 网络解释

1. 左舷:sounding line 测深索 | larboard 左舷 | starboard 右舷

2. 左舷左舷:larboard 左舷 | larboard 左舷左舷 | larbowline 值左舷者

3. 左舷侧的:larboard 左舷侧 | larboard 左舷侧的 | larboard 左舷的

4. 左舷侧:larboard 左舷 | larboard 左舷侧 | larboard 左舷侧的

larboard 双语例句

1. United Airlines flight 175 from Boston to Los Angeles took off at two account to eight in the morning. One minute afterwards an American Airlines even flight 11 larboard aswell apprenticed for L. A. with addition annex aggregation on board. Two account afterwards that, the bedevilled United flight 93 to San Francisco set off from Newark. And at ten accomplished eight the afterpiece annex aggregation was aerial from Washington on lath American Airlines flight 77 to L. A.
    联合航空公司从波士顿到洛杉矶的 175 号航班在早上七点五十八分起飞;一分钟以后,机上有另一组劫持者的美国航空公司飞往洛杉矶的 11 号航班离开地面;两分钟以后,注定要遭厄运的联合航空公司飞往旧金山的 93 号航班从纽瓦克起飞;八点十分,最后一组飞机劫持分子乘坐的从华盛顿飞往洛杉矶的美国航空公司 77 号航班升空。

2. The first gun of the'Victory'to fire at Trafalgar was the larboard carronade.

3. The Young Amelia left it three-quarters of a league to the larboard, and kept on for Corsica.

4. Which is, in short, to abort what's larboard of the Taliban.

5. larboard

5. He and others had been larboard abandoned after aliment or able adaptation for over six months.

6. larboard是什么意思

6. Since the larboard side was always next to the dock when the ship entered a harbor, port came to be substituted for it.

7. And back this is hardly a secret, it seems reasonable to accept that any Taliban fighters larboard afterwards this new abhorrent may chose to lie low and abide their time -- delay for an altogether beneath alarming adversary to yield the field.

8. larboard什么意思

8. This diffuse document, which grew from the seeds buried on that aboriginal freezing acme morning in the Atomium's shadow, needs rather added than a quick adjustment job -- the French and the Dutch accept taken a brace of accident assurance to the European structure, and still no-one is absolutely abiding what will be larboard continuing if the dust assuredly settles.

9. Others took up the mats covering the platform, shook them to leeward, lash them down again in a seamanlike manner, and heaved on the forestays, now slackening with the heat of the sun, while a third party brought up small pigs, edible dogs and fowls, in baskets, mostly from larboard hull, and arranged them on the forward part of the deck where they sat good and quite, as ship-borne animals so often do.

larboard 英英释义


1. the left side of a ship or aircraft to someone who is aboard and facing the bow or nose

    Synonym: port


1. located on the left side of a ship or aircraft

    Synonym: port

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