
lashing是什么意思 lashing在线翻译 lashing什么意思 lashing的意思 lashing的翻译 lashing的解释 lashing的发音 lashing的同义词 lashing的反义词

lashing [ˈlæʃɪŋ]  [ˈlæʃɪŋ] 


lashing 基本解释

名词鞭打; 痛斥; 大量; 许多

动词鞭打( lash的现在分词 ); 煽动; 紧系; 怒斥

lashing 网络解释

1. 捆扎加固:intermodal transportation 复合一贯运输 | lashing 捆扎加固 | levelling plate 垫片

2. 绑索:laser level 激光水平仪 | lashing 绑索 | latch 弹簧锁

3. 清除岩石:large scale mining 大规模开采 | lashing 清除岩石 | latch 闩

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 鞭打:lasher 堰 | lashing 鞭打 | lashings 很多

lashing 词典解释

1. 大量;许多
    Lashings of something means a large quantity or amount of it.

    e.g. Serve by cutting the scones in half and spreading with jam and lashings of clotted cream.
    e.g. ...lashings of slapstick comedy.

2. 捆绑用的绳子;系索
    Lashings are ropes or cables that are used to tie one thing to another.


    e.g. We made a tour of the yacht, checking lashings and emergency gear.

3. 猛烈抨击;严厉批评
    If you refer to someone's comments as a lashing, you mean that they are very critical and angry.

    e.g. He never grew used to the lashings he got from the critics.

4. 笞刑;鞭打
    A lashing is a punishment in which a person is hit with a whip.


lashing 单语例句

1. Paloma's outer rain bands were already lashing Cuba's southern coast after the storm knocked out power across much of Grand Cayman Island.

2. French officials have now reacted to the prospect of a credit rating downgrade by lashing out at Britain.

3. Xiamen residents had been lashing out at the proposed chemical plant, arguing it would be detrimental to the environment and people's health.

4. No offense to the Hungarian women's handball team but lashing out a couple thousand yuan to watch them play is economically sound for me.

5. Tropical Storm Fay roared toward Cuba yesterday after lashing Haiti and the Dominican Republic with torrential rain and floods that killed at least four people.

6. Taiwan and northern Vietnam were also pummeled by the storm's powerful winds and lashing rain, though it largely bypassed the port and financial center of Hong Kong.

7. The National Meteorological Center forecasted the rainstorms would continue lashing southwestern regions until Thursday.

8. Its home page displayed a message from Wang thanking supporters and lashing out at " garbage " whom he accused of attacking him.

9. This satellite image shows Hurricane Frances stalled off the coast of Florida, lashing the area with bands of heavy rains and strong wind.

10. But the image was tarnished by Zhang's behavior, with many Internet users lashing out at corruption inside the audit office itself.


lashing 英英释义


1. beating with a whip or strap or rope as a form of punishment

    Synonym: whippingtanningfloggingflagellation

2. rope that is used for fastening something to something else

    e.g. the boats were held together by lashings



1. violently urging on by whipping or flogging

    e.g. looked at the lashing riders

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