
launching是什么意思 launching在线翻译 launching什么意思 launching的意思 launching的翻译 launching的解释 launching的发音 launching的同义词

launching ['lɒntʃɪŋ]  ['lɒntʃɪŋ] 


launching 基本解释

名词发动; (火箭等的)发射; (船的)下水(典礼); 发行

动词发动; 发射( launch的现在分词 ); [计算机]开始(应用程序); 开展(活动、计划等)

launching 网络解释

1. 下水:船舶之生存期,从下水(Launching)开始,至失去其法定功用或效能时终止. 如船舶拆毁、沈没、失踪、烧毁,亦须登记,如同自然人死亡时须登出一般. 船舶人格化已为世界各国海事法制所共认.

2. 船舶下水:在我国船厂承揽的造船项目中,通常船舶所有人在交船前的分期付款大约为船款总价的20%~40%.一般分别以签订合同(execution of the contract)、切割第一块钢板(steel-cutting)、铺设龙骨(keel-laying)和船舶下水(launching)等为付款节点②.

3. launching

3. 激励,发射:Latency 空转,待机 | Launching 激励,发射 | Layer 层叠控制,多音色同步控制

4. launching的意思

4. 发射:launching 船舶下水起动 | launching 发射 | launching 下水 起动的 发射的

launching 单语例句

1. Deutsche Bank AG said it is launching a wealth management business in Chinese mainland, starting with Shanghai.

2. Early morning thunderstorms delayed fueling of the rocket launching the orbiter and pushed back the time of the liftoff by at least an hour Thursday.

3. The Californian is also considering launching more activities for Chinese fans to interact with celebrities.

4. Shanghai is launching a comprehensive security system for its subway and sniffer dogs will be another weapon along with security scanners and video cameras.

5. The prefecture is launching a massive campaign to find a mastermind to develop the right development strategy for the area.

6. The Finnish game developer is attempting to further cash in on the Chinese market by selling authentic Angry Birds products rather than simply launching games.

7. The station also is launching " Paul McCartney's Band on the Run Radio, " a monthlong music channel devoted to McCartney's music catalog.

8. Tyler said Cathay is considering adding new destinations and it will also start launching direct flights to Milan by the end of March.

9. Shortly after launching its cellular business in 2000, it unveiled a model encrusted with jewels.

10. Tyson added that while he still hungers to regain the undisputed world championship, his main motivation for launching another comeback is the money.

launching 英英释义



1. the act of propelling with force

    Synonym: launch

2. the act of moving a newly built vessel into the water for the first time

3. the act of beginning something new

    e.g. they looked forward to the debut of their new product line

    Synonym: introductiondebutfirst appearanceunveilingentry

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