
leakage是什么意思 leakage在线翻译 leakage什么意思 leakage的意思 leakage的翻译 leakage的解释 leakage的发音 leakage的同义词 leakage的反义词

leakage [ˈli:kɪdʒ]  [ˈlikɪdʒ] 


leakage 基本解释

名词泄露; 漏,漏出; [商]漏损率,漏损量; 渗漏物,漏出量


leakage 网络解释

1. 漏:胰液经腹腔引流管或切口流出体表为胰外瘘;胰内瘘包括胰腺假性囊肿、...一、胰瘘或漏的定义和影响因素...从文献上胰瘘(pancreatic fistula)或漏(leakage)是同一概念.

2. 渗漏:您可以改变虚拟麦克的风设置、室内环境和 渗漏(Leakage)之外,还可以充分利用特有的3波段EQ和每条通道2种插入效果的功能. Strike除了具备从动态和限制除了具备从动态和限制,到 混响和延迟等一系列效果处理功能之外,还包括一些特有的工具,

3. 漏电:说明:①元器件各种特性参数的设置可通过双击元器件弹出的对话框进行; ②编号(Reference ID) 通常由系统自动分配,必要时可以修改,但必须保证编号的唯一性; ③故障(Fault)选项可供人为设置 元器件的隐含故障,包括开路(Open),短路(Short),漏电(Leakage),无故障(None

leakage 词典解释

1. 漏出物(或量);渗漏物(或量)
    A leakage is an amount of liquid or gas that is escaping from a pipe or container by means of a crack, hole, or other fault.

    e.g. A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies...
    e.g. It should be possible to reduce leakage from pipes.

leakage 单语例句

1. Experts said the institute may have SARS virus but they are not sure whether the virus came from the laboratory or from careless leakage.

2. Peng said the chlorine bottle was almost empty and there was actually not much leakage.

3. The Songhua River suffered grave pollution last November, caused by leakage from an upstream chemical plant.

4. Earlier, a chlorine leakage Tuesday poisoned more than 40 people in East China's Shanghai Municipality.

5. The leakage of thousands of barrels of crude oil a day into the ocean has turned the beautiful coast into a toxic zone.

6. It has an adjustable elastic plaster at the back to prevent leakage when the user is lying down.

7. The recent findings suggesting serious leakage render a tentative plan to fill Unit 1's containment vessel with water unworkable.

8. Testing results from the local environmental protection authorities showed the leakage didn't contaminate the nearby water sources.

9. This technology develops huge potential gas reserves in a gas field in Sichuan province while preventing corrosion and leakage.

10. Rescue operations were repeatedly hampered by dense gas, a pump breakdown and water leakage inside the flooded shaft.

leakage 英英释义



1. the discharge of a fluid from some container

    e.g. they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe
           he had to clean up the leak

    Synonym: escapeleakoutflow

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