
lean year是什么意思 lean year在线翻译 lean year什么意思 lean year的意思 lean year的翻译 lean year的解释 lean year的发音 lean year的同义词

lean year [li:n jə:]  [lin jɪr] 

lean year 基本解释


lean year 网络解释

1. 歉收年:direct colour formation 直接彩色形成法 | lean year 歉收年 | onthe Greek calends 永远不会有的那一天, 决不会, 决无(因为希腊历法中没有calends)

2. 小年:小流域治理 Taming small rivers | 小年 Lean year | 小五金 Hardware

lean year 双语例句

1. In its first year, the Obama administration emphasised engaging China, but it could lean more towards containment.

2. But, more important, it had Mr Ponticelli, who up to his 111th year appeared every November 11th in his flat cap and brown coat, lean and bright-eyed, gamely managing the few steps required to lay his small bunch of carnations there.

3. lean year

3. Massed choirs and sad dignitaries, including Russia`s political leaders, packed the incense-laden interior of Moscow`s cathedral of Christ the Saviour: not the loveliest but perhaps the best-known of the 20, 000 or so Russian Orthodox churches to be built or rebuilt on the patriarch`s 18-year watch. For all the formality, there was nothing scripted about the way Alexy`s fellow bishops took turns to lean over his open coffin and sob as they bade farewell.

4. According to Mark Nielsen, machining manager, the more than 70-year-old pattern and moldmaking company began its journey to lean manufacturing 11/2 years ago.
    据马克尼尔森,加工经理,超过70岁的模式和模具制造公司开始旅程精益生产1 1/2年前。

5. The crops suffered from insect plague this year, it will definitely be a lean year.

6. lean year什么意思

6. This has been a lean year for business.

7. But this year because of the bad harvest last year, the lean season started much earlier, says Gianluca Ferrera, WFP's deputy director for Niger.

8. We must put aside something for the lean year.

9. lean year什么意思

9. It's been a lean year for business.

10. lean year

10. Is actually a lean year for them and their above sales results are indeed rather pathetic.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. And in the seventh year he may lean upon his shovel, and look upon his trees, and find them good.

12. lean year在线翻译

12. A lean year; a year of poor harvest.

13. The post adopts the ultra thick high-quality stencil plate to press the making type, the bending strength is high, it is strong to lean towards adaptive capacity of year.

14. The number of outstanding contracts at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for live cattle and lean hogs futures and options both benchmark derivatives has jumped by nearly a third since the start of the year.

15. Corn is an important kind of crop in China which can be used for animal in bumper year and for human being in lean year.

16. lean year

16. One-year programmes are especially attractive in lean economic times, schools say, as many prospective students are mindful of the opportunity cost of leaving the workforce for an extended period.

17. For most of the year, Nadal and Uncle Toni have only each other to rely on. He's the only shoulder this teenager can lean on.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. Influence of Temperature and Precipitation in Spring and Winter on the Abundant or Lean Year for Longan

19. lean year

19. The analysis and prediction of the comprehensive climate targets in sping and winter which influences the abundant or lean year provide scientific basis for taking corresponding production management and technical measures to make use of advantageous climate conditions and avoid harmful climate conditions in orchard.

20. It is difficult to explain the real reasons about unstable yield of soybean in a lean year in south China but some clues have been indicated in this serial experiments.

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