
libel是什么意思 libel在线翻译 libel什么意思 libel的意思 libel的翻译 libel的解释 libel的发音 libel的同义词 libel的反义词 libel的例句

libel [ˈlaɪbl]  [ˈlaɪbəl] 


libel 基本解释

名词诽谤罪; 中伤; 文字诽谤; 诋毁

动词对…进行诽谤; 发表文字诽谤

libel 网络解释

1. 诽谤:在我们这个时代,当我们可能容忍亵渎上帝(blasphemy)或淫秽的语言(obscenity)时,我们仍然可能在与诽谤(libel)、欺诈(fraud)、煽动暴乱(inciting to riot)和在拥挤剧场的可耻漫骂(crying fire!

2. 诽谤罪:支持云碧的意见. 如果别人诬陷了您,作一解释,或者上法庭,以诽谤罪(libel)起诉,这网上的帖子都可能做为对方的罪证

3. 文字诽谤:英国法中,诽谤分两种:文字诽谤(libel)和言语诽谤(slander). 纽西兰在<<1954年诽谤法>>实施以后,不再有这样法律上的区分. 新的诽谤法(1992)又取消了刑事诽谤,因些诽谤法目前只属民法(tort)范围. 笔误亦可构成诽谤.

4. libel在线翻译

4. 书面诽谤:在英国普通法中,书面诽谤(Libel)在某种情况下可能构成犯罪,口头诽谤(Slander)若非妨碍公共秩序(Breach of peace)则只可依民事侵权行为法请求损害赔偿.

libel 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 libeling, libeled

1. (以文字进行的)诽谤(罪)
    Libel is a written statement which wrongly accuses someone of something, and which is therefore against the law.

    e.g. Warren sued him for libel over the remarks...
    e.g. If the jury decided there was a libel, it would have to consider its effect on Miss Smith's position.

2. (在书报、杂志上)对…进行诽谤
    To libel someone means to write or print something in a book, newspaper, or magazine which wrongly damages that person's reputation and is therefore against the law.


    e.g. The newspaper which libelled him had already offered compensation.

libel 单语例句

1. A libel action brought by Australian international Harry Kewell against former England striker Gary Lineker and the Sunday Telegraph has been settled out of court.

2. The lawsuit seeks $ 10 million in libel damages and $ 10 million for misappropriating Spears'name and image to promote sales.

3. LONDON - Kate Winslet was awarded substantial libel damages Friday after a British magazine wrongly stated that she had visited a diet doctor.

4. Fast food chain McDonald's has won a partial victory in its epic libel trial against two environmental campaigners.

5. He said if the BBC named him, he would sue for libel.

6. " Local courts often do not have the professional knowledge to judge libel cases involving science, " said Peng.

7. The actor also sued the Chengdu Commercial Daily for " unfounded reports " and libel.

8. Peking University has announced it is suing a former professor for libel over claims he made about a sex scandal at the college.

9. Supporters of the proposal say online libel and slander originates from the poison pens of cowards who hide behind their anonymity.

10. British laws governing libel have traditionally been seen as friendlier to claimants than those in the United States.

libel 英英释义


1. the written statement of a plaintiff explaining the cause of action (the defamation) and any relief he seeks

2. a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person



1. print slanderous statements against

    e.g. The newspaper was accused of libeling him

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