
licensed是什么意思 licensed在线翻译 licensed什么意思 licensed的意思 licensed的翻译 licensed的解释 licensed的发音 licensed的同义词

licensed [ˈlaɪsnst]  [ˈlaɪsn:st] 


licensed 基本解释



licensed 网络解释

1. 授权:A:我把任何具有供应实际产品(serious product offering)、取得技术授权(licensed)销售产品的业者,都视为可敬对手,不管是威盛、超微或全美达. 英特尔唯一致胜之道,就是提供最好的技术和产品,尽快量产取得市场,这有赖生产和行销能力.

2. licensed

2. 特许的:library 库 | licensed 特许的 | ligature 连字

3. 得到许可的:licensed pilot 有执照的引水员 | licensed 得到许可的 | licensee 被许可的人

licensed 词典解释

1. 得到许可的;领有执照的
    If you are licensed to do something, you have official permission from the government or from the authorities to do it.


    e.g. There were about 250 people on board, about 100 more than the ferry was licensed to carry.
    e.g. ...a licensed doctor.

2. 获准拥有(或使用)的
    If something that you own or use is licensed, you have official permission to own it or use it.

    e.g. While searching the house they discovered an unlicensed shotgun and a licensed rifle.

3. 领有售酒执照的;特许销售酒类的
    If a place such as a restaurant or hotel is licensed, it has been given a licence to sell alcoholic drinks.

    e.g. ...licensed premises...
    e.g. The restaurant is licensed, offering draught beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks.

licensed 单语例句

1. The illegal cabs were one of the reason for the strikes by licensed taxi drivers in several cities last year.

2. The spokesman for the Ministry of Health has apologized for the recent exam leak scandal, which resulted in the cancellation of the national qualification exams for licensed doctors.

3. The NBA's collective bargaining agreement allows players to own licensed guns, but they can't carry them on any league or team business.

4. Wu mentions that they found a vendor with a licensed Sanyuan Breakfast cart who was selling his own products to earn more.

5. The American is a herbalist, a licensed acupuncturist and a herbal medicine practitioner in the United States.

6. The move is believed to have increased Youku's inventory of licensed content, as well as its bargaining power to bring down copyright prices and raise ad rates.

7. Chen said the gift shop will follow the management mode for licensed Olympic products, which have centralized distribution and pricing systems.

8. In order to protect intellectual property, licensed products will be only sold in licensed stores with unified decorations and retail certification.

9. It is also working on chemical sensing chips with DNA Electronics, a British company that licensed its patents to Ion Torrent.

10. The Shanghai Morning Post has reported that some foreign retailers circumvent the ban by leasing out counters to licensed local tobacco retailers.

licensed 英英释义



1. given official approval to act

    e.g. an accredited college
           commissioned broker
           licensed pharmacist
           authorized representative

    Synonym: accreditedcommissionedlicenced

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