
linkage是什么意思 linkage在线翻译 linkage什么意思 linkage的意思 linkage的翻译 linkage的解释 linkage的发音 linkage的同义词 linkage的反义词

linkage [ˈlɪŋkɪdʒ]  [ˈlɪŋkɪdʒ] 


linkage 基本解释

名词联系,连锁,联动,连接; 链系,联动装置; <电>耦合,磁链,匝连; <化>键合

linkage 网络解释

1. 链接:此外,在系统需要打开较大芯片时,这就要求实现极为紧密的 MCU 与 SoC 链接 (linkage),确保即时操作与 SoC 的迅速唤醒. 尽管这些技术仍在发挥重要作用,但是,如果在此基础上做细微的变化,还能进一步提高节能性. 例如,

linkage 词典解释

1. 联系;关联;连接
    A linkage between two things is a link or connection between them. The linkage of two things is the act of linking or connecting them.

    e.g. No one disputes the direct linkage between the unemployment rate and crime...
    e.g. We're trying to establish linkages between these groups and financial institutions.

2. (国际关系中,一方同意做某事,以换取对方同意做另一件事的)关联原则
    Linkage is an arrangement where one country agrees to do something only if another country agrees to do something in return.

    e.g. There is no formal linkage between the two agreements...
    e.g. He insisted that there could be no linkage with other Mideast problems...

linkage 单语例句

1. Combined with the huge population and strong linkage with the global economy, it is clear that China will continue to be a key global driver.

2. When COLI or consumer price index rises to a critical point, the linkage mechanism will be switched on to pay temporary subsidies.

3. China thus has a natural linkage and affinity with ASEAN through Buddhism, which is an added factor of stability between Beijing and most ASEAN capitals.

4. Despite the close linkage between Canada and the US, no Canadian financial institution has gone bankrupt or is in danger of doing so.

5. The traditional linkage between nominal GDP growth and stock market returns is usually thought to be via earnings.

6. Two new domestic cases were reported, without identifiable linkage to previously reported cases.

7. Under the linkage, electricity prices will move in tandem with coal price hikes.

8. As to the transport linkage with southwest China, it includes building two expressways and one railway and rebuilding three railways.

9. Young girls prefer yogurt more due to its linkage with beauty and the dieting trend that runs high on minds.

10. Power companies have to take in 30 per cent of their cost increase under the new pricing linkage mechanism.


linkage 英英释义



1. the act of linking things together

2. a mechanical system of rods or springs or pivots that transmits power or motion

3. (genetics) traits that tend to be inherited together as a consequence of an association between their genes
    all of the genes of a given chromosome are linked (where one goes they all go)

    Synonym: gene linkage

4. an associative relation

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