
lounge suit是什么意思 lounge suit在线翻译 lounge suit什么意思 lounge suit的意思 lounge suit的翻译 lounge suit的解释 lounge suit的发音

lounge suit [laundʒ sju:t]  [laʊndʒ sut] 

lounge suit 基本解释


lounge suit 网络解释

1. lounge suit是什么意思

1. 日常西装:日常开支/running expenses | 日常西装/lounge suit | 日记账,流水账/day book

2. 普通套裝:路易士安那棉(美國產) Louisuana cotton | 普通套裝 lounge suit | 家居服 lounge wear

lounge suit 双语例句

1. lounge suit是什么意思

1. Dried-fish woman is an impeccably dressed model employee, but after work she just wants to lounge on the sofa in a track suit, watch television and munch on dried squid.

2. lounge suit

2. There are 3 main styles of jacket that just about any serious suit hire shop should be able to supply: tailcoat, a three quarter length coat often known as an Edward jacket, and lounge jacket often known as a normal jacket.

3. We rent and sell complete tent range to suit your various space requirements accommodating anywhere from 30 to 3000 people – temporary exhibition halls, Press center, conferences, VIP viewing grand stand, Sponsor hospitality area, VIP lounge, Sport training hall, promotion booth, marketing activities, commercial functions, entertainments, beer festivals, fashion shows, ceremonies

4. lounge suit是什么意思

4. Man's whole life is pretty difficult:Grow a little bit handsome, rob a hand too much, not handsome, take don't make moves; Alacrity point, say you too oil, make no noise, say you too stuffy; Wear lounge suit and say you too serious, wear a little bit more casually, say your country guy; Will earn money, afraid you pack two milk, don't earn money, again afraid the kid break milk.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Hollywood star Depp, 47, who reprises his role as pirate Jack Sparrow in the sequel, looked distinctly retro at the world premiere in California, in a black and white lounge suit and trainers.

6. The invitations, with a dress code of " uniform, morning coat or lounge suit ", were sent out by first class Royal Mail.

7. lounge suit的近义词

7. The invitation states guest should wear " uniform, morning coat or lounge suit ". But what does that mean?

8. lounge suit

8. Male civilians are asked to wear either lounge suits or a morning suit, formal attire that includes a long jacket and a vest.

9. The invitation states guest should wear " uniform, morning coat or lounge suit ". But what does that mean?

10. His tie and lounge suit match each other very much.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

11. The small lounge suit of 媛 son we feel to be like Waitress...

12. This is my deluxe lounge suit, deluxe tie, steer

13. lounge suit的意思

13. He only left an uniform and lounge suit, left hes that changes to wash, photograph for to record the glorious of Deutschland in world war II.

14. Everyone preens in lounge suit, new gown and eye-alluring hat; food and drink mellow and enliven.

15. Lounge suit is normally a two-piece suit, collar and tie for men and a smart dress for ladies, not a long ballgown.
      一般lounge suit 是指男士的西装和女士的醒目西裙,而不是指晚礼服。

16. And there were no Americans, no armour, not a soul around the runways of the airport whose namesake, in poster form, sat nonchalantly in the arrivals lounge in a business suit, cigar in hand.

lounge suit 英英释义

lounge suit的解释


1. a business suit consisting of a matching jacket and skirt or trousers

    Synonym: two-piecetwo-piece suit

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