
lubricant是什么意思 lubricant在线翻译 lubricant什么意思 lubricant的意思 lubricant的翻译 lubricant的解释 lubricant的发音 lubricant的同义词

lubricant [ˈlu:brɪkənt]  [ˈlubrɪkənt] 


lubricant 基本解释


名词润滑剂,润滑油; 能减少摩擦的东西; <俚>奶油,黄油


lubricant 网络解释

1. 润滑油:二、用具 润滑油(lubricant):保护轴承;清除培林里面的脏污、异物. 清洁剂(cleaner):清洁、去除油渍(degreaser) 如果轴承转得不顺,有杂音,那可能是轴承进沙. 如果不是很讲究或是很懒,其实是可以不用管,而且,一旦轴承拆过,洗掉原本较厚的黄油,

2. 润滑:是否有优秀的热不改变性别和氧化不改变性别,抵当油品分化和油泥的孕育发生润滑(lubricant)的使用不妥也会孕育发花生油气分散芯的压差增大在油气分散芯的使用过程当中,

3. lubricant的解释

3. 滑润剂:lubra 土著女人 | lubricant 滑润剂 | lubricate 润滑

lubricant 词典解释

1. (尤用于机械的)润滑剂,润滑油
    A lubricant is a substance which you put on the surfaces or parts of something, especially something mechanical, to make the parts move smoothly.


    e.g. Its nozzle was smeared with some kind of lubricant.
    e.g. ...industrial lubricants.

2. (比喻有利于事情顺利进行的)润滑剂
    If you refer to something as a lubricant in a particular situation, you mean that it helps to make things happen without any problems.

    e.g. I think humor is a great lubricant for life.

lubricant 单语例句

1. The malpractice is a potential health hazard for customers because industrial lubricant contains carcinogen, a substance linked with causing cancer.

2. Yip stressed they have no urgent need to dispose of the lubricant arm as it only constitutes 5 percent overall revenues.

3. Later Zhai retrieved a test sample of solid lubricant placed outside the orbiter, as part of an experiment to test the durability of the materials.

4. Graphite is used as a lubricant and in electrical components because it conducts electricity.

5. Sinopec Lubricant Company has been growing at an annual rate of about 50 percent.

6. Suppliers are able to use industrial lubricant because there are no specific regulations dictating the type of lubricant required for the production of household appliances.

7. Zhai slowly made his way towards a test sample of solid lubricant outside the capsule, took a sample and handed it to Liu.

8. Another goal of the project is to build a national network to promote the sale and distribution of condoms and lubricant products.

9. ExxonMobil Corp plans to nearly triple its Car Care service network in China to cash in on the future growth in the country's lubricant market.

10. But some countries have banned selling oilfish as food, and use it as a lubricant for industrial manufacturing.

lubricant 英英释义


1. a substance capable of reducing friction by making surfaces smooth or slippery

    Synonym: lubricatorlubricating substancelube

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