
lucerne是什么意思 lucerne在线翻译 lucerne什么意思 lucerne的意思 lucerne的翻译 lucerne的解释 lucerne的发音 lucerne的同义词 lucerne的反义词

lucerne [lu:'sɜ:n]  [luˈsɚn] 

lucerne 基本解释


lucerne 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 卢塞恩:拉克斯(Laax)的Riders酒店线路:琉森(卢塞恩)(Lucerne采尔马特(Zermatt日内瓦(Geneva)连接瑞士中部和日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva)的金色山口快车绝对是非常具有吸引力的火车之旅.

2. 紫花苜蓿:紫花苜蓿(Lucerne)紫花苜蓿原产小亚细亚、伊朗、外高加索,我国已有2000多年栽培历史,广泛分布于西北、华北、东北地区,江淮流域也有种植,是一种优良的牧草, 选择春茵的优质草种,可以用作水土保持植物,也作为观赏植物.

3. 苜蓿:即使是在砂质土壤上短而粗壮、裸露的根茎也能够形成稠密的草皮,发达的根系...摘要: 紫花苜蓿(Lucerne) 紫花苜蓿原产小亚细亚、伊朗、外高加索,我国已有2000多年栽培历史,广泛分布于西北、华北、东北地区,江淮流域也有种植,

4. [植]紫花苜蓿:banding plane 线脚刨 | lucerne [植]紫花苜蓿 | fancywork 刺绣品, 钩编织品

lucerne 词典解释

1. (紫花)苜蓿
    Lucerne is a plant that is grown for animals to eat and in order to improve the soil.

in AM, use 美国英语用 alfalfa

lucerne 单语例句


1. " We expect to expand to 667 hectares of Lucerne grass by the end of 2013, " Han said proudly.

2. During the Lucerne Festival Orchestra in Switzerland last month, the orchestra's interpretation of his classic Symphony No 1 received wide praise.

3. It is safe to predict that the Lucerne Festival 2009 will be a great musical event of both China and the world.

4. He will try again in Lucerne in Switzerland on Wednesday and hasn't given up hope of making the relay team in China.

5. Lucerne's many shops and restaurants are a must and a good starting point for a trip around Switzerland.

6. In collaboration with Lucerne Tourism and the Lake Lucerne region, the house has more than 20 Swiss partners from the public and private sectors.

7. Held three times every year since 1938, the Lucerne Music Festival is popular not just in Switzerland but also around the world.

8. In collaboration with the Lucerne Tourism Board, it attracted over 20 Swiss partners from the public and private sectors.

9. He was principal conductor of the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra before he took his post at Bamberg in 2000.

10. In addition, two masters of Chinese descent will definitely highlight the Lucerne Festival in Beijing.

lucerne 英英释义



1. important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop

    Synonym: alfalfaMedicago sativa

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