
lugubrious是什么意思 lugubrious在线翻译 lugubrious什么意思 lugubrious的意思 lugubrious的翻译 lugubrious的解释 lugubrious的发音 lugubrious的同义词

lugubrious [ləˈgu:briəs]  [lʊˈɡubriəs, -ˈɡju-] 

lugubrious 基本解释

形容词阴郁的; 悲哀的; 令人伤心的; 令人灰心的

lugubrious 网络解释

1. 可怜的, 悲惨的, 悲哀的:35、revile :v.辱骂, 斥责 | 36、lugubrious :可怜的, 悲惨的, 悲哀的 | 1. mellifluous adj. 如蜜般的, 流畅的

2. 悲惨的:SEPULCHRAL 阴深的 | Lugubrious 悲惨的 | Decoration 勋章(不是装饰)

3. lugubrious的解释

3. 可怜的:lugsail 四角纵帆 | lugubrious 可怜的 | lugworm 沙躅

4. 悲哀的:loquacious 爱说话的, 多嘴的 | lugubrious 悲哀的 | mitosis 有丝分裂,间接核分裂

lugubrious 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Dvorak's famous (to non-North Koreans at least) cor anglais solo echoed the lugubrious tones of some of North Korea's musical fare, but the cocky jauntiness of the Gershwin bordered on a forbidden realm.

2. Any one who, like ourselves, has wandered about in these solitudes contiguous to our faubourgs, which may be designated as the limbos of Paris, has seen here and there, in the most desert spot, at the most unexpected moment, behind a meagre hedge, or in the corner of a lugubrious wall, children grouped tumultuously, fetid, muddy, dusty, ragged, dishevelled, playing hide-and-seek, and crowned with corn-flowers.

3. Henry James Senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to be ambitions but unworldly.

4. Henry James Senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to be ambitious but unworldly.

5. He had a long lugubrious face with drooping jowls and soft pouches beneath the eyes.

6. Roguet had set the lugubrious example of threatening with death any French grenadier who should bring him a Prussian prisoner.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. I say our names aloud to make sure that, of all the people in the hotel lounge, fat or thin, mustached or clean-shaven, jovial or lugubrious, blowing noses or sipping coffee, whistling a tune or stone-still, we are who we think we are, and this is just the kind of moment I write about, since you asked, the kind I try to save, and savor, yet never quite grasp at all, except on some snow-stricken night in Chicago, discovering these words while sorting mail or cleaning out the top drawer.

8. The whole effect was, petty, lugubrious, and narrow

9. The whole effect was hideous, petty, lugubrious, and narrow

10. lugubrious的意思

10. Had this rough and unlettered man gathered a perfectly clear perception of the succession of ideas through which he had, by degrees, mounted and descended to the lugubrious aspects which had, for so many years, formed the inner horizon of his spirit?

11. After the earthquake, the city is full of lugubrious faces.

12. He put on a lugubrious look.

13. lugubrious的翻译

13. At times he talked to himself, and stammered lugubrious monologues in a low voice.

14. These things are charming when one is joyous, and lugubrious when one is sad

15. In his youth, their visits are lugubrious later on they are sinister.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious.

17. Why are you looking so lugubrious?

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. Those four lugubrious walls had their moment of dazzling brilliancy.

19. He always has such a lugubrious look on his face.

20. This music is rather lugubrious.

lugubrious 词典解释

1. 悲戚的;悲伤的
    If you say that someone or something is lugubrious, you mean that they are sad rather than lively or cheerful.


    e.g. ...a tall, thin man with a long and lugubrious face...
    e.g. He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious.

The dog gazed at us lugubriously for a few minutes.

lugubrious 单语例句

1. It's not that the lugubrious Liu wants to move the museum, it's just that not enough revenue is being generated to cover costs.

lugubrious 英英释义



1. excessively mournful

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