
lumber yard是什么意思 lumber yard在线翻译 lumber yard什么意思 lumber yard的意思 lumber yard的翻译 lumber yard的解释 lumber yard的发音

lumber yard

lumber yard 双语例句

1. An establishment that sells lumber and other building materials from a yard.

2. lumber yard的意思

2. I get these planks at the local lumber yard.

3. lumber yard的反义词

3. Deeply embosomed in tranquility, the forgotten is my forgotten. The December coming to the County Wicklow, an alder lying in the lumber yard lost its root, because it was preserved in the earth by itself.
    厄 土《被遗忘的我们》:遗忘属於那些精心珍藏的事物,在维克洛郡的十二月,一棵伐木场的赤杨丢掉了根系,因为它把它深藏在土里。nh200801。

4. The chief fundraiser for disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has died just days before he was due to start serving an eight-year sentence for corruption. 51-year-old Christopher Kelly was found in a lumber yard parking lot southwest of Chicago Friday.
    不正當的資金籌備活動主席,前任伊利諾斯州議員Rod Blagojevich在將面臨因貪污而被判八年有期徒刑前死亡。51嵗的Christopher Kelly上週五在芝加哥西南部的一片伐木院子的停車場内發現屍體。

5. Year-old Christopher Kelly was found in a lumber yard parking lot southwest of Chicago Friday.

6. A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot. Hay and straw were stored in that portion of the place, fagots for firing, and a heap of apples in sand.

8. The lumber warehousing management is the central content of lumber yard management, with the rapid development of logistics technology, demonstrated the lumber warehousing management level is quite backward.

9. Fire Scene Simulation Design of the Lumber Yard Log Pile

10. Because of these delays she arrived at the lumber yard later than she intended and found Hugh and the team drivers sitting on a low pile of lumber waiting for her.

11. Moreover must determine that side builds the value and carries on the strip material width with to lead between the yard lumber the distance computation, finally draws a row of specimen map.

12. lumber yard的意思

12. If it's a lumber yard, take in the smell of sawn wood.

lumber yard 单语例句

1. When the Expo ended, nearly the entire pavilion became a lumber yard providing undamaged wooden beams for new construction.

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