
macaroons是什么意思 macaroons在线翻译 macaroons什么意思 macaroons的意思 macaroons的翻译 macaroons的解释 macaroons的发音 macaroons的同义词



macaroons 网络解释

1. 蛋白杏仁饼干:10. 迷你提拉米苏 Tiramisu | 蛋白杏仁饼干 Macaroons | 1. 香草 Vanilla

macaroons 双语例句

1. macaroons在线翻译

1. Because honestly i can afford the super mahal na training sa iba i want to make a business but i don`t want more gastos….then after that i start my own business and made it so far so good…i also have white choco and choco coated polvorons and other 7 flavors…and i have some suggestion para hindi po kyo mahirapan mag wrap you can use small cups like the one we use sa mga macaroons and cookies.
    因为老实说,我可以负担得起的超级马哈娜培训公司,国际律师协会,我想作业务,但我唐'不想多gastos …那之后,我开始我自己的生意,并使它至今尚算不错……我也有白色乔科省和乔科省涂布polvorons和其它7味……而且,我有一些建议,第印地语宝带子mahirapan个包你可以用小杯子一样,我们使用限定macaroons与饼干。。

2. Having taken the veal dish in my stride, the next day I set my sights on something a little more ambitious: a 90-minute, early evening lesson in how to make macaroons, held at another atelier in the 15th arrondissement.

3. On a different note, in Japan accessories and cell phone straps with macaron sweet designs? not to be confused with macaroons? have become increasingly popular, and many girls make their very own sweet inspired jewelry.

4. I was baking this morning, and like an idiot, I made too many macaroons.

5. macaroons的近义词

5. Paul: Now how did you know I love macaroons?

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. BREE: Oh, I was making macaroons before I left the house.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Who wants to enjoy mouthwatering chat about macaroons, while I put the kettle on?
    谁要享受令人垂涎聊macaroons ,而我把水壶吗?

8. He just smiles and eats macaroons out of his bat jar.

9. macaroons的解释

9. A friend sent me a tub of the best macaroons I had ever tasted.

10. M. J.: Macaroons are my favorite.

11. macaroons

11. Day after day she produces popular treats in a fashion that renders even the most congealed LA-weary hearts putty in her hands, working out her angst into heavenly macaroons.
      日复一日,她产生一种时尚流行的对待,令即使是最凝结的LA -疲倦的心在她的手中腻子,工作出到天上的杏仁饼她焦虑。

12. We were told that macaroons needed to be left for several hours to enable the filling to soften the lid and base, until only the carapace of the meringue remained crisp.

13. macaroons

13. Rivalry whirled round his wildly fashionable, featherlight, multicoloured and multiflavoured macaroons; if Mr Len ô tre was not their inventor, he still named his house Villa Macaron after them.

14. macaroons的反义词

14. Now how did you knowI love macaroons?

15. Cover the bottom of the dish with Naples biscuits, and macaroons broken in halves, wet with brandy and white wine poured over them, cover them with patches of raspberry jam, fill the dish with a good custard, then whip up a syllabub, drain the froth on a sieve, put it on the custard and strew comfits over all.
      罩底部的菜与那不勒斯饼干,和macaroons打破半,潮湿,白兰地酒和白葡萄酒倒了他们,包括他们的补丁树莓果酱,填补菜具有良好吉士,然后掀起syllabub ,排水渠在泡沫的筛子,把它的蛋糕和肸糖果所有。

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