
magazine是什么意思 magazine在线翻译 magazine什么意思 magazine的意思 magazine的翻译 magazine的解释 magazine的发音 magazine的同义词

magazine [ˌmægəˈzi:n]  [ˈmægəzi:n] 


magazine 基本解释


名词杂志; 弹药库; 弹仓; 胶卷盒

magazine 网络解释

1. 片盒:粘晶完成后之导线架则经由传输设 备送至弹匣/片盒(magazine)内,以送至下一制程进行焊线/压焊. IC封装制程(Packaging)则是利用塑胶或陶瓷包装晶粒与配线以成集成电路(Integrated Circuit;简称IC),此制程的目的是为了制造出所生产的电路的保护层,

2. 箱:<升降机用于将装有 PCB 的周转箱 (Magazine) 步进上升以配合推杆逐个将 PCB 推出,供给后续设备,当周转箱内的 PCB 推完之后,则空周转箱自动被送往卸料输送机.

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3. 弹匣:切割完后之晶粒井然有序排列于胶带上,而框架的支撑避免了 胶带的皱折与晶粒之相互碰撞. 黏晶之目的乃将一颗颗之晶粒置于导线架上并以银胶(epoxy)黏着固定. 黏晶完成后之导线架则经由传输设 备送至弹匣(magazine)内,以送至下一制程进行焊线.

magazine 词典解释

1. 杂志
    A magazine is a publication with a paper cover which is issued regularly, usually every week or every month, and which contains articles, stories, photographs, and advertisements.

    e.g. Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more magazines.

2. (广播、电视上融合多种话题的)杂志型节目,板块节目
    On radio or television, a magazine or a magazine programme is a programme consisting of several items about different topics, people, and events.

    e.g. ...a live arts magazine.
    e.g. ...'Science In Action', a weekly science magazine programme.

3. (枪的)子弹夹,弹匣,弹仓
    In an automatic gun, the magazine is the part that contains the bullets.

4. 军火库;弹药库
    A magazine is a building in which things such as guns, bullets, and explosives are kept.

magazine 单语例句

1. When afternoon comes, she changes into her business suit and becomes a marketing specialist at an English magazine.

2. A telephone call made after business hours Monday to the magazine's Los Angeles office was not immediately returned.

3. A former publisher of a Beijing newspaper magazine has been prosecuted for embezzling large sums of money to buy houses and set up private companies.

4. The cost of buying ad space in every global daily paper, weekly trade journal or monthly car magazine is prohibitive.

5. Actor George Clooney was named the sexiest man alive last year by Us Magazine and placed seventh on The 100 Greatest Sex Symbols list.

6. A spokeswoman for the magazine contacted by The Associated Press declined to say whether the writer would face disciplinary action.

7. At the time, the magazine calculated the team's value at $ 258 million.

8. A team used to being ignored suddenly turned up on magazine covers, network TV and President Bush's call list.

9. Time magazine has hailed him as a frontrunner of Canto pop's next generation.

10. She has appeared on more than 500 magazine covers, in numerous television shows and been a spokeswoman for charitable and activist groups.

magazine 英英释义


1. a metal frame or container holding cartridges
    can be inserted into an automatic gun

    Synonym: cartridge holdercartridge clipclip

2. a storehouse (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored

    Synonym: powder storepowder magazine

3. product consisting of a paperback periodic publication as a physical object

    e.g. tripped over a pile of magazines

4. a light-tight supply chamber holding the film and supplying it for exposure as required

    Synonym: cartridge

5. a periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it

    e.g. it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money

    Synonym: mag

6. a business firm that publishes magazines

    e.g. he works for a magazine

    Synonym: magazine publisher

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