
make a detour是什么意思 make a detour在线翻译 make a detour什么意思 make a detour的意思 make a detour的翻译 make a detour的解释 make a detour的发音

make a detour [meik ə ˈdi:tuə]  [mek e ˈdiˌtʊr] 

make a detour 基本解释

make a detour的近义词

动词绕道; 绕行; 迂回; 转道

make a detour

make a detour 网络解释

1. 迂回:make a descent on 袭击 | make a detour 迂回 | make a difference between 区别对待

2. make a detour的近义词

2. 绕过去 没课 鹅 低头儿:single-way road 单行线 腥沟V 肉的 | make a detour 绕过去 没课 鹅 低头儿 | bad luck 糟糕 败的 辣客

3. 采取迂回的方式:maintain steady development of agriculture保持农业稳步发展 | make a detour采取迂回的方式 | make compensations补偿

make a detour 双语例句

1. In chapter 8, with research of vortex structures of slot jet, discern the shear layer vortex structure and its instability lead to periodic roll-up of Kelvin-like vortex, give the description of its evolvement process: the pairing, incorporation, and make a compare with round jet. Discuss the generation mechanics of vortex of cross-flow detour, and it turned toward stream wise direction. Make clear the position of vortex of cross-flow detour related to jet body.
    第八章 对于横流中有限长窄缝射流旋涡结构的研究,我们发现了射流迎、背流附面涡层卷起的类开尔文涡列,与圆孔射流相比,该涡列的排列更为规则;讨论了横流绕流分离旋涡的生成机理及其转向,澄清了射流主体与横流绕流分离旋涡间的相互关系;同时,给出了射流喷口上游的马蹄涡系的结构形式以及射流逆流区下游尾迹区旋涡的层状结构形式。

2. make a detour

2. There are road-works ahead – please make a detour.

3. As the frontage road is in mantainance, so we'd better make a detour.

4. The frontage road is servcing, we cann't go through, so we have to make a detour.

5. He was happy to make a detour for her convenience.

6. Half the road was up in Leadenhall Street, so their taxi was obliged to make a detour.

7. Can we make a detour?

8. There's a reservoir ahead. we'll have to make a detour.

9. Do not worry! Let us make a detour.

10. The main road was blocked so we had to make a detour.

11. make a detour的意思

11. We had to make a detour round the floods.

12. The flyer was under repair and we had to make a detour.

13. As the road was under repair, we had to make a detour.

14. make a detour的反义词

14. A motorcycle is in the way, so he has to make a detour.

15. Due to the snowy weather, the highway has been shut down by the police for the moment, please wait a while or make a detour.

16. danci.911chaxun.com

16. When it saw the rock being tossed about pitifully, it said, " Only a weak person will make a detour. A person who is strong will only go ahead, and nothing will stop him!"

17. The algorithm ensures that the networks choose a shorter path to transmit data. Furthermore, it can make a detour to avoid the sensor nodes and sensing a region with low residual energy, so that the energy distribution can reaches a balance in the networks.

18. But only at the entrance using a firewall to protect network security is not enough, because the intruder may make a detour round the firewall through the loopholes, while the firewall can not prevent internal attacks.

19. But before I go further, let me make a quick detour into the theory of parsing.

20. Although it's normal to make a career detour, it's also hard work, so you'll be well served to consider your next move carefully.

make a detour 单语例句

1. Currently all flights and ships have to make a detour to pass a third place for reasons nobody could convincingly clarify.

2. It means that people would have to make a detour if they are not willing to pay fees to drive in congested roads.

3. But vehicles bound for Aksu had to make a detour along the westernmost border of the desert.

4. The sea used to disrupt the railway link, forcing trains to make a long detour.

5. Now I don't need to make a detour by marine route to get to China for my export business.

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