
manger是什么意思 manger在线翻译 manger什么意思 manger的意思 manger的翻译 manger的解释 manger的发音 manger的同义词 manger的反义词 manger的例句

manger [ˈmeɪndʒə(r)]  [ˈmendʒɚ] 


manger 基本解释

名词(动物的等)食槽; 占马槽的狗,占着茅坑不拉屎的人; 槽子

manger 相关词组

1. dog in the manger : 自己不能享用某物亦不让他人享用的人;

manger 相关例句


1. The horse is tied up to the manger.

manger 网络解释

1. 马槽:当晚,耶稣(Jesus)便在马槽(manger)诞生. 旷野得牧羊人得到天使的报佳音,也聚到马房来看小耶稣. 东方有几位博士也来了,虽然他们不知马房在何处,但天上一颗大星星引导著他们. 博士们带来黄金(gold)、乳香(frankincese)、没药(myrrh)当礼物,

2. 饲槽:mange mite 疥螨 | manger 饲槽 | mango 芒果

3. 挡水板:manger plater 船首楼锚链孔后挡水板 | manger 挡水板 | manger 链舱底泄水板;船首楼锚链孔后挡水板

4. 链舱底泄水板;船首楼锚链孔后挡水板:manger 挡水板 | manger 链舱底泄水板;船首楼锚链孔后挡水板 | manget-valve 电磁阀

manger 词典解释

1. (牛、马等的)食槽
    A manger is a low open container which cows, horses, and other animals feed from when indoors.


manger 单语例句

1. He started his new life as an IT company's divisional manger.

2. The Frenchman is bar manger at the Hilton Maldives Resort and Spa, and has developed the concept of pairing cheese and wine on the tropical island.

3. Both goalkeepers are now eligible for the national soccer team, should national manger Luis Fernando Suarez decide that they meet his high standards.

4. Manger would not say whether witnesses to the latest attack were able to give complete license plate numbers to investigators.

5. " The situation here is very difficult for our counterparts at home to imagine, " says a manger at Carrefour.

6. The club announced that Bryan Murray will return as coach while retaining his position as general manger.

7. The board of the airline voted to remove its general manger one day after the crash.

8. The board of the airline voted to remove its general manger one day later.

9. The man surnamed Xin worked as a sales manger of a technology company in Beijing.

10. Christmas Eve celebrations are mainly in and around Manger Square, the central plaza next to the Church of the Nativity.

manger 英英释义



1. a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed

    Synonym: trough

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