
maroon是什么意思 maroon在线翻译 maroon什么意思 maroon的意思 maroon的翻译 maroon的解释 maroon的发音 maroon的同义词 maroon的反义词 maroon的例句

maroon [məˈru:n]  [məˈrun] 


maroon 基本解释

名词逃亡黑奴; 孤立的人; 酱紫色,褐红色

及物动词把…放逐到孤岛; (因洪水等)使孤立; 闲荡


maroon 相关例句


1. maroon的意思

1. During the storm we were marooned in a cabin miles from town.

2. I was marooned on a lonely country road.

maroon 网络解释

1. 栗色:上述代码执行的功能是:把薪水超过3万6千元的员工(employee)记录字体颜色用栗色(Maroon)标出来. 上述代码执行的功能是:把薪水超过3万6千元的员工(employee)记录背景用白色(White)标出来. 全国计算机等级考试(NCRE)相关文章

2. maroon

2. 褐紫紅色:本地服饰Haberdasher品牌经理张佩琪认为,过年的传统颜色是红色,即使挑选红色,也应避开大红的抢眼耀目,精挑那些比较含蓄低调的红色,如:褐紫红色(Maroon)穿在身上也很好看,适合华人的肤色.

3. 棗紅;茶色:Marine green 海水綠 | Maroon 棗紅;茶色 | Medium blue 中藍色

maroon 词典解释

1. 紫褐色;栗色
    Something that is maroon is dark reddish-purple in colour.

    e.g. ...maroon velvet curtains.

2. 困住;使无法逃脱
    If someone is marooned somewhere, they are left in a place that is difficult for them to escape from.

    e.g. Five couples were marooned in their caravans when the River Avon broke its banks.
    e.g. ...after years of being marooned on a desert island.

maroon 单语例句

1. The dark maroon fruits from California are very popular and can command a hefty price, and are usually bought as gifts to impress friends or by homesick expatriates.

2. Their disparate styles and methods have exacerbated the original dilemma to maroon the national team on a sea of failure.

3. To help tell them apart, the boys have a dot of maroon nail polish on their fingers.

4. He is believed to be driving a red or maroon 1991 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer model with a Georgia license plate.

5. Authorities said Jones fled in a maroon or red 1991 Ford Explorer with a Georgia license plate 730 YFV.

6. My husband particularly enjoys dumplings made with red beans, the fragrant maroon seeds that are also known as adzuki beans.

7. This is the " humble monk " who forswears worldly goods in favor of living a simple life dressed in maroon robes.

8. But it irritated elite units who were given tan, green or maroon berets as badges of honor.

9. Alicia Keys and Maroon 5 will join forces for a special performance.

10. Kyle Palmieri had the puck on the left boards and threw it in front, where Maroon was able to tip the puck past Rinne.

maroon 英英释义



1. an exploding firework used as a warning signal

2. a dark purplish-red to dark brownish-red color

3. a person who is stranded (as on an island)

    e.g. when the tide came in I was a maroon out there



1. leave stranded on a desert island without resources

    e.g. The mutinous sailors were marooned on an island

2. leave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescue

    e.g. the travellers were marooned

    Synonym: strand



1. of dark brownish to purplish red

    Synonym: brownish-red

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