
maybe是什么意思 maybe在线翻译 maybe什么意思 maybe的意思 maybe的翻译 maybe的解释 maybe的发音 maybe的同义词 maybe的反义词 maybe的例句

maybe [ˈmeɪbi]  [ˈmebi] 

maybe 基本解释

副词也许; 可能; 大概


maybe 相关例句


1. Maybe you'll have better luck next time.

maybe 情景对话


A:Maybe I should (sign up for that course/ work harder/ get some rest).

B:Yeah, maybe.


B:How's life these days?

A:Mmmm, OK. And you?

B:I've been working on some song lyrics.

A:I'd like to have a look at them sometime.


B:Mmm, well, maybe you could come to Hsinchu.


A:Let’s go to Panjiayuan market this weekend.

B:That’d be interesting. Where is it?


A:It’s south-east of the city centre.

B:Is it far? Is it easy to get there?

A:No, it’s not far. It’s about 20 minutes in a taxi.

B:That sounds ok. Maybe we can find some bargains.

maybe 网络解释

1. 大概:从时尚界流行(Pop)元素3、5年一回潮的纪律来看,火热的BOB头它到底还能火多久,大概(Maybe)也逃不外这样的循环. 但是这有什么关系呢,只要我们一直记得,合适自己的发型设计永远是最好的,所以想拥有BOB头你不要再犹豫,及早下手吧!

2. SY:HILL:LZH:罗罗 | SY:HILL,可爱多,MAYBE,山峰,泡夫人,琐夫人 | XD:D (奥特曼)

3. maybe

3. other language:14. Norwegian wood ......无法联系 | 15. other language ......我想,大概,maybe,他们都会说日文吧 | 16personality clothing......?独此一家,clamp出品

maybe 词典解释

1. 或许;大概;可能
    You use maybe to express uncertainty, for example when you do not know that something is definitely true, or when you are mentioning something that may possibly happen in the future in the way you describe.

    e.g. Maybe she is in love...
    e.g. Maybe he sincerely wanted to help his country...

2. 也许,或许(用于提出建议、作出礼貌的请求等)
    You use maybe when you are making suggestions or giving advice. Maybe is also used to introduce polite requests.

    e.g. Maybe we can go to the movies or something...
    e.g. Maybe you'd better tell me what this is all about...

3. 可能,也许(用于表示某一观点部分属实,但另一观点也应该加以考虑)
    You use maybe to indicate that, although a comment is partly true, there is also another point of view that should be considered.


    e.g. Maybe there is jealousy, but I think the envy is more powerful...
    e.g. OK, maybe I am a failure, but, in my opinion, no more than the rest of this country.

4. 可能吧(用于表示未置可否)
    You can say maybe as a response to a question or remark, when you do not want to agree or disagree.


    e.g. 'Do you think that another country will step in to become the dominant military power in the region?' — 'Maybe.'...
    e.g. 'Is she coming back?' — 'Maybe. No one hears from her.'

5. 大概,大约(用于对数目、数量或价值等作出约略的估计)
    You use maybe when you are making a rough guess at a number, quantity, or value, rather than stating it exactly.


    e.g. The men were maybe a hundred feet away and coming closer.

6. 有时(尤用于笼统地描述某人的行为或经常发生的事情)
    People use maybe to mean 'sometimes', particularly in a series of general statements about what someone does, or about something that regularly happens.

    e.g. They'll come to the bar for a year, or maybe even two, then they'll find another favourite spot.

maybe 单语例句

1. " Maybe the business is even more volatile than I thought, " Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said.

2. Maybe it's not a big deal to follow suit in the nightlife business.

3. I could have tried to push maybe, but really it's wonderful.

4. So I guess that's an outsider by process and insider by result, maybe.

5. But some experts that Internet cafe is a public place, the pornographic webpages a customer sees maybe seen by others.

6. " The time pressure is going to cause this to maybe happen more often, " Rasmussen said.

7. Maybe it was the extra rest, or another raucous crowd at the United Center.

8. Maybe you'll like it, but that's certainly not my cup of tea.

9. Maybe his adaptability has become the source from where his inspiration for words derive.

10. She estimated maybe 10 percent of those came from Sichuan and the rest just picked up the dialect to cheer her on.

maybe 英英释义


1. by chance

    e.g. perhaps she will call tomorrow
           we may possibly run into them at the concert
           it may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time

    Synonym: possiblyperchanceperhapsmayhapperadventure

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