
meeting是什么意思 meeting在线翻译 meeting什么意思 meeting的意思 meeting的翻译 meeting的解释 meeting的发音 meeting的同义词 meeting的反义词

meeting [ˈmi:tɪŋ]  [ˈmitɪŋ] 


meeting 基本解释


名词会议; 聚会; 汇合点; 运动会

动词开会; 相遇( meet的现在分词); 相识; 接触(某物)


meeting 相关例句


1. An accident happened at the meeting of two roads.

2. Mr.White isn't here; he's at a meeting.

3. The two lawyers had an argument at their very first meeting.

4. meeting

4. Many people came to the meeting in the hall.

meeting 情景对话


A:Could you tell me where (his office/ the meeting room/ the copy machine) is, please?


B:Sure. It’s just down the hall, on the right.


A:What’s your job?

B:For now, I’m a student at the university.
      目前, 我在大学里读书。


A:I thought you were working.


B:Well, I work as a tour guide in the holidays.


A:That must be quite interesting.

B:Yes, it is. I like meeting new people and it’s a good chance to practise my English.

On the job-(工作中)


A:Is Betty Sue in her office?

B:I’m sorry. She’s in a meeting right now.

A:I see.

B:Can I give her a message for you?


A:Yes, please tell her I stopped by.


B:And your name, please?

A:Ted. Oh, and could you give her this document for me?


meeting 网络解释

1. 会面:有的时候还要在办公室进行教学时间以外的单独会面(meeting),知识渊博的(knowledgeable)教师常常成为不谙世事的男女学生的楷模(model). ...

meeting 词典解释

1. 会议;集会
    A meeting is an event in which a group of people come together to discuss things or make decisions.

    e.g. Can we have a meeting to discuss that?
    e.g. ...business meetings.

2. (有意或无意的)碰见,遇上
    When you meet someone, either by chance or by arrangement, you can refer to this event as a meeting .

    e.g. In January, 37 years after our first meeting, I was back in the studio with Denis...
    e.g. Her life was changed by a chance meeting with her former art master a few years ago.

meeting 单语例句


1. Are the travel strategies meeting the organization's overall business travel goals and objectives?

2. Valdes released the statistics during a meeting with Calderon and representatives of business and civic groups.

3. Crocker told reporters after the meeting " the talks were businesslike ".

4. The butler downs his lunch in under 10 minutes so he has time to rush to the meeting hall and coordinate with technicians.

5. Shanghai is also planning incentives to encourage motorists to scrape their old cars and buy new ones meeting the national IV standard.

6. Investors should buy consumer discretionary stocks before this month's meeting of the National People's Congress, according to Barclays PLC.

7. The meeting also heard from the United States and Canada about their deal to resolve differences over the " Buy American " rules.

8. The just concluded CPC meeting inspires hope because it aims to translate potential into actual buying power.

9. The meeting was presided over by He Guoqiang, head of the CCDI.

10. No - you become a serious foreign policy person in Washington by dint of meeting two criteria.

meeting 英英释义


1. the act of joining together as one

    e.g. the merging of the two groups occurred quickly
           there was no meeting of minds

    Synonym: mergingcoming together

2. the social act of assembling for some common purpose

    e.g. his meeting with the salesmen was the high point of his day

    Synonym: coming together

3. a casual or unexpected convergence

    e.g. he still remembers their meeting in Paris
           there was a brief encounter in the hallway

    Synonym: encounter

4. a formally arranged gathering

    e.g. next year the meeting will be in Chicago
           the meeting elected a chairperson

    Synonym: group meeting

5. a small informal social gathering

    e.g. there was an informal meeting in my living room

    Synonym: get together

6. a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers)

    e.g. Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers

    Synonym: confluence

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