
merchant是什么意思 merchant在线翻译 merchant什么意思 merchant的意思 merchant的翻译 merchant的解释 merchant的发音 merchant的同义词

merchant [ˈmɜ:tʃənt]  [ˈmɜ:rtʃənt] 


merchant 基本解释

名词商人; 店主; 批发商; 零售商

形容词商人的; 商业的

merchant 相关例句


1. merchant

1. This is a merchant bank.


1. His father is a timber merchant.

merchant 网络解释

1. 贸易商:采购从广义上可以分为两类:贸易商(merchant)采购和工业买家(industrial buyer). 贸易商包括批发商和零售商,其购买目的是为了再销售. 一般来说,贸易商大多是批量购买商品,以获得数量带来的折扣和其他好处,如运输和仓储更经济、更有效.

2. 商户:特约商户(Merchant)向来是开展信用卡业务中很重要的一个环节,这不仅仅是因为商户作为银行在信用卡业务上所获利润的主要来源而存在,更重要的是发卡行的商户营销策略直接关系到了该行乃至该地区信用卡发展的前景与趋势.

merchant 词典解释

1. (尤指外贸)商人,批发商
    A merchant is a person who buys or sells goods in large quantities, especially one who imports and exports them.

    e.g. Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.

2. 店主;商人
    A merchant is a person who owns or runs a shop, store, or other business.

    e.g. The family was forced to live on credit from local merchants.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 retailer, shopkeeper

3. 海上货运的;商船的
    Merchant seamen or ships are involved in carrying goods for trade.

    e.g. There's been a big reduction in the size of the British merchant fleet in recent years.

merchant 单语例句

1. Earnshaw was serving as a Merchant Navy cabin boy when he died.

2. Being the city where ancient foreign businessmen started their China tours with their merchant ships, the Cantonese capital surely has a proud history behind it.

3. No merchant groups around China were even close to challenging Hui merchants in capital accumulation.

4. It owns and operates a variety of merchant fleets of some 600 vessels with a total carrying capacity up to 31 million tons.

5. Pacino's casting in the free summer staging of the play turned Merchant of Venice into one of the most sought after tickets in town.

6. The US Merchant Marine Academy was created following a 1934 fire in which 134 people died aboard the passenger ship Morro Castle.

7. Four ships were deployed earlier this week to the Gulf of Aden to relieve the current fleet that is protecting merchant vessels from Somali pirates.

8. China's fifth Gulf of Aden mission took over the escort of merchant vessels through the troubled waters in a handover ceremony last week.

9. China sent three warships to the Gulf of Aden on December 26 last year in its first overseas escort mission for merchant vessels.

10. The Chinese merchant ships escorted by a China's fleet sailed on the Gulf of Aden when they met some suspected pirate ships.

merchant 英英释义



1. a businessperson engaged in retail trade

    Synonym: merchandiser

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