
mickey是什么意思 mickey在线翻译 mickey什么意思 mickey的意思 mickey的翻译 mickey的解释 mickey的发音 mickey的同义词 mickey的反义词 mickey的例句

mickey 基本解释


mickey 网络解释

1. 米奇老鼠:四十名喜欢溜冰的香港小朋友和米奇老鼠(Mickey)、白雪公主(Snow White)、灰姑娘(Cinderella)等三位迪士尼童话中的经典人物冰上结缘,而且还得到来自[迪士尼冰上世界]的世界顶尖级溜冰高手亲自传授溜冰技巧.

2. 米基:<<米基>>(Mickey)原创/美版一区(含导演评论音轨)[DVDRip]这部电影是从小爱打棒球的好莱坞大编剧约翰.葛里逊(John Grisham)为自己实现的一个梦,他一手包办编剧、制作,还在片中客串演出联盟主席.

mickey 双语例句

1. mickey的意思

1. I feed Mickey twice a day. It likes to eat meat and rice.

2. Because we`d take the mickey out of her if she did.

3. Mickey: Believe me, you don't want to know.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. This is Mickey''s present.

5. Is it Mickey''s birthday?

6. mickey

6. I like Mickey because it is very cute and lovely.

7. mickey的翻译

7. Do you love Mickey Mouse and his friends?

8. mickey什么意思

8. Three of you did very well this time; I gave them a Mickey Mouse sticker.
    费安娜公主喜孜孜的看著我贴在她习作簿上的Mickey Mouse贴纸。

9. I am very glad Mickey shows, teaches, creates and gathers wonderful Mind Map applications in Asia.

10. mickey

10. A Hong Kong noy says, I like Mickey very much!

11. mickey

11. From 1955, Mickey Mouse occupied Amicability Ambassador of Disneyland, welcoming numerous domestic and foreign visitors.

12. Professors for death struggle with muscular dystrophy at the same time, passing Mickey have admonished many of the valuable life and death.

13. I paint the Mickey Mouse head on design draft, painting it on different position of clothes will show different effects.

14. You can join him on Mickey's Jammin'Jungle Parade, or the bedazzling ectromagic Parade, and with more than 1000 firework shows a year, every day ends with a bang.

15. You can join him on mickey's jammin'jungle parade, or the bedazzling spectromagic parade, and with more than 1000 firework shows a year, every day ends with a bang.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. Said Lambert, Look, we have 400 ladies in white smocks who have been painting Mickey for 30 years.

17. His vocation: Mickey Rooney's band.

18. mickey在线翻译

18. In his first film, Steamboat Willie, Mickey was under the full control of Walt Disney.

19. Most of us will remember the Disney era beginning with Steamboat Willie short, introducing the character of Mickey Mouse.

20. mickey是什么意思

20. Now our Mickey is not only clean, but very important.

mickey 词典解释

1. 捉弄;取笑;嘲弄
    If you take the mickey out of someone or something, you make fun of them, usually in an unkind way.

    e.g. He started taking the mickey out of this poor man just because he is bald.

mickey 单语例句

1. On one case the profile of Mickey Mouse is embossed in black leather.

2. The series'eight set of clothes all feature Mickey Mouse, the Magic Kingdom's trademark character.

3. The ceremony featured fireworks and confetti and obligatory appearances by Disney characters including Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

4. I found some Mickey Mouse cookie cutters, and also used my traditional gingerbread man and teddy bear cutters.

5. Yadu will begin by adding Disney's Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh into the figure design of its flagship products.

6. There were more cameras in the crowd than crosses, as people sported everything from Mickey Mouse balloons to glowing devil horns.

7. When the proposal to build a Disneyland park was approved earlier this month, people in Shanghai embraced the prospect of the world's biggest Mickey Mouse playground.

8. Liu was not particularly talkative, until his star dog " Mickey " rose quietly in the corner of the room.

9. In the drab surroundings, a pink Mickey Mouse bag stood out.

10. He'll arrive Monday with a group of nearly 80 corporate and business executives eager to sell products from pharmaceuticals to chardonnay to Mickey Mouse.

mickey 英英释义



1. (ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Irish descent

    Synonym: PaddyMick

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