
microdot是什么意思 microdot在线翻译 microdot什么意思 microdot的意思 microdot的翻译 microdot的解释 microdot的发音 microdot的同义词

microdot [ˈmaɪkrəʊdɒt]  [ˈmaɪkroʊdɑ:t] 

microdot 基本解释


microdot 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 微粒的:microdont 有微齿的 | microdot 微粒的 | microeconomic 个体经济

2. microdot什么意思

2. 以电子处理的缩小影印文件:microdot 小粒的迷幻药 | microdot 以电子处理的缩小影印文件 | microdotmicrograinedparticulate 微粒的

3. 小粒的迷幻药:microdosis 微小剂量 | microdot 小粒的迷幻药 | microdot 以电子处理的缩小影印文件

4. 微点照片:microdosis 微量 微小剂量 | microdot 微点照片 | microdrawing 微型图

microdot 双语例句

1. A new method for determining Vitamin D 2 in microdot capsule by RP-HPLC was proposed.
    采用反相高效液相色谱法测定维生素D2 微粒胶囊中VD2 的含量。

2. This is a tiny MicroDot squared audio recorder which the company claims as the world`s smallest voice activated digital recorder.

3. microdot

3. Featuring a microdot surface texture to prevent slippage, the new furniture line is made of plywood substrate that is finished with the famous white plastic laminate the company.

4. microdot

4. Used vehicles imported from overseas will have microdot numbers placed over various parts of the vehicle to make it more difficult for the vehicles to be changed or modified to conceal their identity.

5. microdot在线翻译

5. Though, under the environment of buyers market, numerous manufacturers do not hesitate to increase accessory supply, consolidate and strengthen all its service microdot and corresponding after-sale service network constantly, in order to promote the products sale, maintain the good brand image and keep good service reputation.

6. On the base of analyzing the essential feature of personal financial business, product life cycle and competitors circumstance, combing the practice of Xianyang commercial bank, this paper introduces the customer division strategy, microdot and product integration strategy, flexible pricing strategy, trademark strategy and regulation marketing strategy. It emphasizes developing the superiority of total marketing and maximizing the marketing effects.

7. On the base of the above-mentioned results, this paper further investigated the local micro-actuating behaviors induced by the volume change of PPy doped with ssDNA on the microdot electrode within the microchannel. It was found that, in 80μm channel the volume change of PPy film doped with ssDNA probe could enhanced the effect of DNA hybridization.

8. It's got a microdot. where'd you get this?

9. microdot的解释

9. I know she sent you a microdot from berlin.

10. Irina encoded it with a microdot.

11. Lindsey wouldn't send me a blank microdot.

12. microdot是什么意思

12. The recipient would read the microdot with a special viewer.

13. This paper deals with the influence of metal and alloy on the measurement of wetting angle of microdot artificial diamond by means of microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

14. The expansion of microdot function and the improvement of arrangement structure;

15. When the DNA concentration was 0.00305nmol/ml because the DNA concentration was small enough, it is difficult in a relatively short time to form a visible DNA fluorescence microdot.

microdot 单语例句

1. The vehicles may prove irresistible to thieves as they will contain such items as cameras and laptop computer marked with Microdot technology.

microdot 英英释义


1. photograph reduced to the size of a dot (usually for purposes of security)

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